Patient care technician schools are a great place to test your technician quality. There are plenty of online patient care technician schools to get there to.
You can find information on patient care technician lessons on the following
can a medical assistant works as a patient care technician
A person can get a patient care technician certification if they apply to the Everest College. This is one college that a person can get a patient care techinician certification.
You should be looking at vocational schools in your area for patient care technician lessons. These patient care technician courses usually cost a few hundred dollars.
In order to obtain a patient care technician license, one must complete a series of given courses on the subject and complete a patient care technician certification exam at a local college or online.
Among the many places one can find the testing required to become a patient care technician are,, and
Online medical forums would be a good place to ask about patient care technician schools. Members help each other with questions and answers and if there are good patient care technician schools I am sure they will know how to go about finding the nearest one to you.
The Patient Care Technician is a multi-disciplinary technical worker trained to provide basic nursing assistant care as well as other skilled function. The role of the Patient Care Technician includes duties traditonally performed by the staff from several different departments such as nursing, phlebotomy, EKG and respiratory.
There are not yearly lessons required for patient care technicians. Patient care technicians need to take required coursework and then pass the certification exam.