-ectomy is the suffix in "nephrectomy." It means "surgical removal."
"-ectomy" is the suffix for nephrectomy. Nephr- means kidney, and -ectomy means surgical removal.
A nephrectomy is an operation that removes a kidney. However there are two variations, either simple nephrectomy or radical nephrectomy depending on the etiology (origin of the disease process or condition.
The suffix in the medical term "pachydermatosis" is "-osis."
The suffix for the medical term rachischisis is -schisis, which means a fissure or splitting.
Haemorrhage is the medical term. Bleeding is the term used otherwise.
The suffix of the medical term "pronation" is "-ation" which indicates a process or action.
The medical term containing the suffix -ac is "cardiac," which refers to anything related to the heart.
the second suffix is ususally a single letter
The suffix of the term nephromegaly is "-megaly," which means enlargement.
Nephroureterectomy is surgical removal of the kidney and its ureter.
The medical term for stomach pain is gastralgia. The suffix for gastralgia is -algia, meaning "pain."