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Dental hygienists usually make around $30,000 as a starting salary. The starting salary is not really that good, but it does offer a stable sort of employment.

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Q: What is the salary of a Dental Hygenist?
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Where can I find information on dental hygenist salary?

The best way to find information on dental hygenist saleries is to do a search on the internet. You can also speak with someone at an office to see if they can give you any information a suggest a good place to start.

What does DH stand for in dentistry?

It stands for dental hygene or dental hygenist.

Can you locate any dental hygenist jobs for me?

For a dental hygenist job you must have your board certifications. These jobs pay well though, so its worth the investment!

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Where are dental hygenist jobs to be found online?

Dental hygenists make an incredible salary! Hunt down a job by going online and looking on your local craigslist and other job boards, im sure youll find a job.

What are the two different methods of dental cleaning used by a dental hygenist?

coronal polishing and hand scaling

What career cluster is a dental hygenist?

human resources and health science!

What is a good dental hygenist school?

There are plenty of good Dental Hygenist schools out there. Location and cost should play a key role in the choice taken. Take time to research every school that interests you.

Where in Maine can I take a dental hygienist test?

When you need to find out more about taking a dental hygenist test, I suggest you take a look at one of the online medical universities. They will list the options and include all the locations where the dental hygenist test can be taken.

How does one obtain a dental hygenist certification?

Once you study to become a dentist assistant, you can then take an exam to become a dental hygenist. You can earn one by talking to your dentist boss and maybe he will tell you where and when to call and make an appointment.

Where can I find more information on getting dental hygenist training in Kentucky?

The best way to find a dental hygenist training school in Kentucky is to consult the admission advertisements appearing in different newspapers from time to time and the universities web portals.