The word neglect is a verb and it is also a noun. You determine this from context.
The word "neglect" can be a verb or a noun, depending on its usage in a sentence.
Yes, it can be (a neglected child, neglected duties). It is the past tense and past participle of the verb (to neglect) and can be used as an adjective meaning ignored or not properly attended to.
The opposite of neglect (noun) would be care or concern. The opposite of the verb neglect (meaning ignore) is similarly to care, to deal with, or to address.
The spelling "neglection" is a less-used form of the noun neglect, or of negligence.
The abstract noun of squalid is squalor.
No, the noun 'conservation' is a common, abstract, uncountable noun, a word for preservation or restoration from loss, damage, or neglect. A collective noun is a word used to group people or things taken together as one whole in a descriptive way. There is no collective noun for the noun 'conservation' because, as an uncountable noun, conservation cannot be grouped.
How long will you neglect me? Neglect will ruin a relationship. Simple neglect killed the roses.
ignore, abuse, forget (it all depends on neglect a child, or neglect to do something)
It is wrong to neglect your child.
Salutary neglect
One example of neglect is when you are not taking care of someone such as your children or parents. You can also neglect your job, by not doing a good job.
One possible answer are some parents who neglect their children.