Aspiration and drainage of pleural fluid is termed as Thoracentesis. 'thoraco' refers to the thorax (chest), and 'centesis' is the process of aspirating a substance from an enclosed/sealed area. It can also be called a pleurocentesis, needle thoracotomy, pleural aspiration, or pleural tap.
Cricothyroidotomy is the medical term meaning surgical incision into the cricoid.
Adenotomy is surgical incision into a gland.
Thymotomy is surgical incision of the thymus.Thymotomy.
Thoracotomy means surgical incision of the chest or thorax. A incision into the chest is done with two different methods. A incision into the front of the chest is known as a Median Sternotomy. This is usually the incision used for cardiac bypass, valve replacement, etc. A incision into the side of the chest is known as a Thoracotomy.
Sphenoidotomy is the medical term meaning surgical incision into the sphenoid bone or sinus.
Cerebrotomy is surgical incision into the cerebrum.
Onychotomy is surgical incision of the fingernail or toenail.
Hepatoplasty is surgical repair of the liver.
Labyrinthotomy is surgical incision of the labyrinth.
Sinusotomy (sigh-nuhs-OT-oh-mee) is the medical term meaning surgical incision into a sinus. This procedure is used in the treatment of chronic sinusitis.
Vagotomy is the medical term meaning surgical incision of the vagus nerve.