Urinalysis is a word used to define an examination of urine by breaking it into components. Urinalyses are conducted to detect many types of medical conditions that a person may have.
Hydronephrosis is the medical term meaning buildup of urine in the kidney. Hydroureter is the medical term meaning buildup of urine in the ureter.
Urodipsia is the medical term meaning process of drinking urine.
Ketonuria means ketones in the urine.Ketonuria is the medical term meaning ketones in the urine.
AlkaptonuriaVesicoureteral reflux is the backflow of urine into the kidneys.
The suffix meaning urine is "-uria." It is commonly used in medical terminology to describe conditions related to urine or the presence of substances in the urine.
Depends on the person but usually 1.5 litres
A cystogram is a recording of the urine in the bladder.
The medical term "urinary" pertains to the motion and flow of urine.
The medical term for abnormally large amounts of calcium in the urine is hypercalciuria.