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There are more than one: * ocul/o, as in intraocular. * ophthalam/o as in ophthalmologist, ophthalmic or ophthalmoplegia. * opt/o as in optic, optometrist or optrician.

Optical or ocular may be the word you are looking for.

or it could be intraocular
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12y ago

The term for "inside the eye" is "intraocular."

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11y ago

The medical term for conditions of the eye called Opthalmmology

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Pupillary is the medical term meaning pertaining to the pupil.

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Binocular means pertaining to both eyes.

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Palpebra(e), english- palpebral

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Retinal means pertaining to the retina.

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Q: What is the medical term meaning pertaining to both eyes?
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Having two eyes., Pertaining to both eyes; employing both eyes at once; as, binocular vision., Adapted to the use of both eyes; as, a binocular microscope or telescope., A binocular glass, whether opera glass, telescope, or microscope.

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Maybe you're allergic to something or have hayfever or an eye infection. Maybe you need glasses. Go and see the doctor

What is Correct abbreviations for both eyes?

O.U. -- Medical DefinitionO.U.. Type: Abbreviation. Definitions: 1. Abbreviation for Latin oculus uterque, each eye or both eyes.