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Pathology is from the ancient Greek words "pathos" and "logos". The current definition means "the study of disease, from initation to final outcome".

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Lincoln Wolf

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2y ago
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12y ago

Pathology is from the ancient Greek words "pathos" and "logos". The current definition means "the study of disease, from initation to final outcome".

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9y ago

A pathologic condition is one which caused illness or disease.

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7y ago

Pathology means: path=disease, -ology = study. The study of disease. Remember that Biology is the study of life?

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9y ago

Pathologist is a medical term meaning specialist in the study of diseased tissue.

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12y ago

Pathologic means diseased.

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What is the meaning of pathologist?

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Kenneth M. Brinkhous has written: 'Year Book of Pathology and Clinical Pathology, 1983' '1990 Year Book Of Pathology And Clinical Pathology' 'Year Book of Pathology and Clinical Pathology, 1986'

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What is the difference between gross pathology and microscopic pathology?

Gross pathology refers to what can be seen with the naked eye, and microscopic pathology uses a microscope.

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Pathology is the study of diseases, so a pathology department would be the department where diseases are studied.

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What has the author G Payling Wright written?

G. Payling Wright has written: 'Systemic pathology' -- subject(s): Pathology 'An introduction to pathology' -- subject(s): Pathology

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The different types of pathology are clinical pathology, surgical pathology, neuropathology, general pathology. General pathology covers all areas of pathology but not in as much detail as the specific types of pathology and serves a medical education. Last is a relatively new area of pathology environmental pathology.