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Craniotabes (abnormal softening of the skull )

It could also be cranimalacia.

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Tephromalacia means softening of the gray matter of the brain or spinal cord.

Encephalomalacia (encephalo - brain, malacia - softening)

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Craniotabes is the medical term for softening of the skull .

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Craniopathy is the medical term meaning disease of the skull.

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Q: What is the medical term meaning abnormal softening of the skull?
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The combining form crani- refers to the skull or cranium.

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The medical term for skull muscles is "cranial muscles." These muscles are responsible for controlling movements of the head and face.

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They are called sutures. They vary in specific names depending on which piece of the skull are sutured by them.

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Craniosynostosis is the condition where an infant's skull does not grow the right way. The infant's skull starts to turn to bone too early. This can cause abnormal growth leading to an unusual head shape.

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Myosclerosis is abnormal hardening of muscle. There are six different abdominal muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. The rectus abdominis, external obliques, internal obliques and the transverse abdominus muscle.

What is the medical term meaning the cranium is of average capacity?

Normocephalic is an average cranium, where microcephalic means small skull.

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The medical term for an immovable joint found only between skull bones is a "suture." Sutures are fibrous joints that connect the flat bones of the skull and allow for minimal movement.

What is the medical term meaning muscle?

Each muscle of the skull has a different name, if you want the name of a specific one, you have to indicate where on the skull you are talking about.