in tems of labour "dilation" is the medical term or certainly the only one used on the wards and between doctors themselves, in terms of other dilation such as of the pupil the term is mydriasis. there are lots of different terms for each different organ or tissue being dilated.
Dilation is a medical term meaning that the internal diameter of something got larger. Like the pupils dilated or the cervix dilated.
Mydriasis is dilation of the pupils.
Ectasis is the medical term meaning dilation or expansion of a hollow organ. -ectasis is also the medical terminology combining form meaning dilation or expansion.
A related term meaning dilatation of the renal pelvis to a lesser degree is pyelectasis, both are the result of an obstruction of the kidneys and/or the ureter, such as congenital stenosis, a calculus or "stone", etc.
Pyelocaliectasis is dilation of the renal pelvis and calyx. Renal tubular ectasia is dilation of the collecting ducts.
Nephropathy is a medical term. It basically means a condition where there has occurred damage to one or both kidneys. It could also refer to disease of the kidneys.
End-stage renal disease
Hansen's Disease is the medical term. But a more common term is Leprosy.
Pathogenesis is the medical term meaning process that initiates a disease.
Gonadopathy is a medical term for disease of the sex glands.Gonadopathy is disease of the sex glands.
Pertaining To The Kidneys
Retroperitoneal is the medical term meaning behind the peritoneum. The kidneys and ureters are retroperitoneal.
Polycystic kidney disease is the medical term meaning genetic disorder characterized by the growth of numerous fluid-filled cysts in the kidneys. Over time, these cysts interferer with kidney function.
Neuroarthropathy is the medical term meaning any disease of nerve and joint.