Xerostomia is the medical term for a dry mouth.
Xerostomia is the medical term for a dry mouth.
Xerostomia is the medical term for a dry mouth. Xerostomia can be a part of Sicca Syndrome, which can be a symptom of the autoimmune disease called Sjogren's Syndrome. In Sjogren's Syndrome, the body's immune system begins to damage the exocrine system, leading to reduced or ceasation of salivary and other exocrine gland function.
Aplasia is the medical term meaning absence of development.
Asplenia is the medical term meaning absence of the spleen.
Anhidrosis is the medical term describing the absence of sweating.
Aphakia is the medical term meaning absence of the lens. This is often a result of cataract surgery.
Athelia is the medical term meaning absence of nipples.
Aplasia is the medical term meaning absence of development.
Athelia means absence of a nipple.
The medical term for absence of the external ear is "anotia." This condition involves complete absence of the external ear.
Larynx IS the medical term for voice box.