Dystonia is a medical term meaning abnormal muscle tone.
Myopathy is a general term meaning any abnormal condition of skeletal muscle.it is called 'skeletal muscles abnormal condition'myopathymy/o meaning muscles;-pathy meaning disease
Tetany means sustained abnormal muscle contractions. Hypertonia refers to excess muscle tone.
Contracture is abnormal shortening of muscle. This condition limits joint mobility by making the flexor muscle resistant to stretching. It usually results from lack of movement of the joint, as after an accident or neurological disease.
Tetany is the condition of periodic painful muscle spasms and tremors.Parkinsons disease
Myoanatomy is the medical term meaning structure of a muscle. It may also mean the study of muscle structure.
Dystonia is the medical term meaning bad muscle tone.
Contraction is the medical term meaning the normal shortening or tightening of a muscle.
Atrial fibrillation is the medical term meaning the irregular, uncoordinated, ineffective twitching contraction of the walls of the atria. A related condition is ventricular fibrillation, which occurs in the lower chambers of the heart.
The medical term for excessive turning is "hyperkinesis." Hyperkinesis refers to abnormal, excessive, and involuntary movements, often seen in conditions such as chorea or dyskinesia. It can manifest as twitching, writhing, or jerking movements that are beyond the individual's control.