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is a condition of abnormal and excessive sensitivity to touch, pain, or other sensory stimuli. (hyper- means excessive, and -esthesia means sensation or feeling)

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12y ago

Hyperalgesia is excess sensitivity to pain.

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7y ago

Possibly hypersensitivity? Depends on the area and the stimuli

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Hyperasthesia is the medical term meaning condition of excess sensation.

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Hypersensitivity or HSP

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Q: What is a condition of excess sensitivity to stimuli?
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The condition of excessive sensitivity to stimuli is known as?

The condition of excessive sensitivity to stimuli is known as hypersensitivity. This can manifest in various ways, such as heightened emotional responses, exaggerated physical reactions, or increased sensitivity to sensory inputs like light, sound, or touch. Treatment may involve managing triggers, cognitive-behavioral therapy, and sometimes medication.

What is an algometer?

An algometer is a device for measuring pain-inducing stimuli, and the sensitivity to such stimuli.

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Plants don't excel in locomotion, that is, the ability to move on their own. They show a sensitivity to external stimuli, such as food, by consuming it.

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Damage to the fovea would have the least effect on visual sensitivity to dim light, peripheral movement, and low-resolution stimuli, as the fovea is responsible for central vision and high-resolution details.

What is environmental sensitivity?

Environmental sensitivity refers to an individual's heightened susceptibility to environmental stimuli, such as chemicals, pollutants, or allergens. People who are environmentally sensitive may experience stronger reactions or symptoms when exposed to these substances compared to others. This sensitivity can manifest in various ways, affecting physical health, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life.

What is the meaning of organ sensitivity?

Organ sensitivity refers to how responsive an organ is to its environment or stimuli. It can vary depending on factors such as genetics, health, and external influences. High sensitivity may result in increased reactions to stimuli, while low sensitivity may lead to reduced responses.

What is any environmental condition that causes an organism to adjust to a new condition?

stimulus. (plural, stimuli)

What does a sunflower feel like?

Yes, sunflowers feel sensitivity. They "feel" sensitivity in that they respond to stimuli, such as the direction and amount of light or damage to parts of itself. It does not "feel" in that it cannot experience pain, discomfort, or emotional distress.

A respiratory disease in which airways in the longs become now because of sensitivity to certain stimuli is called what?

Chronic bronchitis

What has the author Christine Marion Hansen written?

Christine Marion Hansen has written: 'Sensitivity to negative social stimuli in overweight women'

What is the medical term meaning condition associated with abnormal insulin secretion and sensitivity?

The medical term for a condition associated with abnormal insulin secretion and sensitivity is "insulin resistance." This condition can lead to high blood sugar levels and often precedes the development of type 2 diabetes. It is commonly seen in individuals with obesity and sedentary lifestyles.

How can one be tested for a multiple chemical sensitivity?

You can be tested for multiple chemical sensitivity by being tested for sensitivity using the chemicals that you have deemed relevant by your doctor. You can learn more about this condition at the Wikipedia.