

Best Answer

no pregnancy

null means no

gravida means pregnant

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Q: What is a nulligravida?
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A woman who has never had a child?


A woman who has never conceived a child?


What is the medical term meaning woman who has not been pregnant?

A nulligravida is a woman who has never been pregnant. A nullipara is a woman who has never delivered a baby.Inflected Form(s): plural nul·lip·a·ras ornul·lip·a·rae \-ˌrē\: a woman who has never borne a child-compare nulligravida

Name of a Woman who has never conceived a child?


A women who has never been pregnant?

A woman who has never been pregnant is referred to as a nulligravida.

What is the medical term meaning a woman who has never been pregnant?

A nulligravida is a woman who has never been pregnant.

A woman who has never borne a viable child.?

A nullipara is a woman who hasn't borne a viable child. A nulligravida is a woman who has never been pregnant.

What is the medical term for a woman who has had many births?

The medical term for a woman who has had many births is multigravida. This term refers to a person who has had two or more live births. A person who has never had a baby is referred to as nulligravida.

What is the term meaning many pregnancies?

Nulligravida refers to a woman who has never been pregnant (or gravida 0).Primigravida refers to a woman who is pregnant for the first time or who has been pregnant once — in other words, from the time a woman gets pregnant the first time until she gets pregnant the second time, she can be referred to as a Primigravida (or gravida 1).Multigravida means a woman who is currently pregnant or who has been pregnant two or more times (gravida 2, gravida 3, etc.)

What is the inability to have children called?

The inability to have children is called infertility. It can be caused by various factors such as medical conditions, age, hormonal imbalances, or lifestyle choices. Treatment options depend on the underlying cause and may include medications, surgery, or assisted reproductive technologies.

What is the medical term meaning many pregnancies?

Nulligravida refers to a woman who has never been pregnant (or gravida 0).Primigravida refers to a woman who is pregnant for the first time or who has been pregnant once — in other words, from the time a woman gets pregnant the first time until she gets pregnant the second time, she can be referred to as a Primigravida (or gravida 1).Multigravida means a woman who is currently pregnant or who has been pregnant two or more times (gravida 2, gravida 3, etc.)

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