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It is the study of blood vessels.

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Q: What is Angiology?
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When was International Angiology created?

International Angiology was created in 1982.

What has the author Saul Simon Samuels written?

Saul Simon Samuels has written: 'Peripheral vascular diseases (angiology) ..' -- subject(s): Blood Vessels, Cardiovascular system, Diseases 'Diagnosis and treatment of vascular disorders (angiology)' -- subject(s): Diseases, Diagnosis, Blood-vessels

What is the study of visceral organs?

The study of visceral organs is known as viscerology. This branch of anatomy focuses on the structure, function, and diseases of the internal organs located within the body cavities, such as the heart, lungs, liver, and intestines. Viscerology plays a crucial role in understanding how these organs work individually and in coordination with each other to maintain overall health.

What are some nine letter words with 3rd letter G and 4th letter I and 5th letter O and 6th letter L?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 2 words with the pattern --GIOL---. That is, nine letter words with 3rd letter G and 4th letter I and 5th letter O and 6th letter L. In alphabetical order, they are: angiology hagiology

What are some nine letter words with 1st letter A and 4th letter I and 5th letter O?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 18 words with the pattern A--IO----. That is, nine letter words with 1st letter A and 4th letter I and 5th letter O. In alphabetical order, they are: actioners actioning actionist aetiology agriology amniotomy angiogram angiology angiomata anxiously apriorism apriorist apriority audiobook audiogram audiology audiophil audiotape

Have seeds that are not enclosed in a fruit?

I'm not sure, but the only one I've heard of and been taught about is Gymnosperms. Gymnosperms are plants that have seeds but no fruit or another thick layer for their protection. But I hope this helped you.

What are the different types of doctors?

A[+] Allergology[+] Andrology[+] Anesthesia[+] Angiology[+] Aviation medicineC[+] CardiologyD[+] Dentistry[+] Dermatology[+] Disaster medicine[+] DiagnosticianE[+] Emergency medicine[+] EndocrinologyG[+] Gastroenterology[+] General practice[+] Geriatrics[+] GerontologyG cont.[+] GynecologyH[+] Hematology[+] HepatologyI[+] Immunology[+] Infectious Diseases[+] Intensive care medicineK☻ [+] KinesiologyM[+] Medical genetics[+] Military medicineN[+] Nephrology[+] Neurology[+] Nuclear medicineO[+] Obstetrics[+] Oncology[+] Ophthalmology[+] Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery[+] OtolaryngologyP[+] PaleopathologyP cont.[+] Palliative medicine[+] Pathology[+] Pediatrics[+] Podiatry[+] Psychiatry[+] PulmonologyR[+] Radiology[+] Rehabilitation medicine[+] RheumatologyS[+] Serology[+] Sexual health[+] Sports medicineT[+] Toxicology[+] Transplantation medicineU[+] Urologyg

What are 5 different types of doctors?

* [+] Allergology * [+] Andrology * [+] Anesthesia * [+] Angiology * [+] Aviation medicine * [+] Cardiology * [+] Dentistry * [+] Dermatology * [+] Disaster medicine * [+] Emergency medicine * [+] Endocrinology * [+] Gastroenterology * [+] General practice * [+] Geriatrics * [+] Gerontology * [+] Gynecology * [+] Hematology * [+] Hepatology * [+] Immunology * [+] Infectious diseases * [+] Intensive care medicine * [+] Medical genetics * [+] Military medicine * [+] Nephrology * [+] Neurology * [+] Nuclear medicine * [+] Obstetrics * [+] Oncology * [+] Ophthalmology * [+] Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery * [+] Otolaryngology * [+] Paleopathology * [+] Palliative medicine * [+] Pathology * [+] Pediatrics * [+] Podiatry * [+] Psychiatry * [+] Pulmonology * [+] Radiology * [+] Rehabilitation medicine * [+] Rheumatology * [+] Serology * [+] Sexual health * [+] Sports medicine * [+] Toxicology * [+] Transplantation medicine * [+] Urology

Different types of physician assistants?

A[+] Allergology[+] Andrology[+] Anesthesia[+] Angiology[+] Aviation medicineC[+] CardiologyD[+] Dentistry[+] Dermatology[+] Disaster medicine[+] DiagnosticianE[+] Emergency medicine[+] EndocrinologyG[+] Gastroenterology[+] General practice[+] Geriatrics[+] GerontologyG cont.[+] GynecologyH[+] Hematology[+] HepatologyI[+] Immunology[+] Infectious diseases[+] Intensive care medicineK☻ [+] KinesiologyM[+] Medical genetics[+] Military medicineN[+] Nephrology[+] Neurology[+] Nuclear medicineO[+] Obstetrics[+] Oncology[+] Ophthalmology[+] Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery[+] OtolaryngologyP[+] PaleopathologyP cont.[+] Palliative medicine[+] Pathology[+] Pediatrics[+] Podiatry[+] Psychiatry[+] PulmonologyR[+] Radiology[+] Rehabilitation medicine[+] RheumatologyS[+] Serology[+] Sexual health[+] Sports medicineT[+] Toxicology[+] Transplantation medicineU[+] Urologyg

9 letter words starting with a?

aardvarks abandoned abandonee abandoner abasement abashedly abashment abatement abattoirs abbotcies abbotship abdicable abdicated abdicates abdicator abdominal abducting abduction abductors aberrance aberrancy aberrants abeyances abhorrent abhorrers abhorring abidingly abilities abjection ablations ablatival ablatives ablutions abnegated abnegates abnegator abnormals abolished abolisher abolishes abolition abominate aborigine abortions abounding abradants abrasions abrasives abreacted abridgers abridging abrogated abrogates abrogator abruptest abscessed abscesses abscising abscissae abscissas absconded absconder absentees absenters absenting absinthes absoluter absolutes absolvers absolving absorbent absorbers absorbing abstained abstainer abstinent abstracts abstricts abstruser absurdest absurdity abundance abusively abutments abysmally abyssinia academias academics academies accedence accenting accentual acceptant acceptees accepters accepting acceptive accessing accession accessors accessory accidence accidents acclaimed acclaimer acclimate acclivity accolades accompany accomplis accordant accorders according accordion accosting accounted accounter accouters accoutred accoutres accredits accreting accretion accruable accusable accustoms acerbated acerbates acetified acetifies acetylene achievers achieving achordate achromats acidheads acidified acidifier acidifies acidities acidulate acidulous acoustics acquaints acquiesce acquirers acquiring acquittal acquitted acquitter acridness acrobatic acroliths acropolis acrostics actinides actiniums activated activates activator activisms activists actresses actuality actualize actuarial actuaries actuating actuation actuators acuteness adamances adamantly adaptable adaptions addicting addiction addictive additions additives addressed addressee addresser addresses adducting adduction adductors adenoidal adenosine adeptness adherence adherents adhesions adhesives adiabatic adiposity adjacency adjective adjoining adjourned adjudging adjunctly adjusters adjusting adjustors adjutancy adjutants admirable admirably admiralty admission admissive admitters admitting admixture adoptable adoptions adoration adornment adrenalin adroitest adsorbate adsorbent adsorbing adulating adulation adulators adulatory adulterer adulthood adultness adumbrate advancers advancing advantage adventure adverbial adversary adversely adversity advertent adverting advertise advertize advisable advisedly advocated advocates advocator aerations aerialist aerifying aerodrome aerofoils aerograms aerolites aeroliths aerometer aeronauts aeroplane aerospace aeschylus aesthesia aesthetes aesthetic aestivate affecters affecting affection affective affianced affiances affidavit affiliate affirmers affirming afflicted affluence affluents affording afforests affrayers affraying affrights affronted affusions aflatoxin aforesaid afrikaans aftercare afterdeck afterglow afterlife aftermath aftermost afternoon afterward agelessly ageratums aggravate aggregate aggressed aggresses aggressor aggrieved aggrieves agileness agilities agitating agitation agitators agitprops agnostics agonistic agonizing agrarians agreeable agreeably agreement agronomic aigrettes ailanthus aimlessly airbursts airbusses airdromes airedales airfields airframes airlessly airlifted airliners airmailed airmobile airplanes airscrews airspaces airspeeds airstream airstrips airworthy alabamian alabaster alarmisms alarmists alaruming albacores albanians albatross albinisms albinoism alchemies alchemist alchymies alcoholic aldehydes alehouses alertness aleutians alexander algebraic algerians algicides alginates algonquin algorisms algorithm alienable alienages alienated alienates alienator alienisms alienists alighting alignment alikeness alimented alimonies alinement aliphatic aliveness alizarine alizarins alkalized alkalizes alkaloids alkalosis allayment allegator allegedly allegheny allegiant allegoric alleluias allergens allergies allergist alleviate alleyways alliances alligator allocable allocated allocatee allocates allocator allogenic allopaths allopathy allotment allotrope allotropy allottees allotters allotting allotypes allotypic allowable allowance allspices allusions alluvials alluviums almandine almshouse aloneness alongside aloofness alopecias alpenhorn alphabets alpinisms alpinists alterable alterably alterants alternate altimeter altitudes altruisms altruists aluminize aluminums alumroots alveolars alveolate alzheimer amaranths amarettos amaryllis amassment amatively amazement amazingly amazonian ambergris ambiences ambiguity ambiguous ambitions ambitious ambiverts ambrosial ambrosias ambulance ambulated ambulates ambulator ambuscade ambushers ambushing amendable amendment amenities americana americans americium amethysts amidships ammoniacs ammoniate ammonites ammoniums amnesiacs amnestied amnesties amorality amorously amorphous amortized amortizes amounting amperages ampersand amphibian amphibole ampleness amplified amplifier amplifies amplitude amputated amputates amputator amsterdam amusement amusingly anabolism anacondas anaerobes anaerobic analemmas analeptic analgesia analgesic analogies analogize analogous analogues analysand analyzers analyzing anapestic anarchies anarchism anarchist anathemas anatomies anatomist anatomize ancestors ancestral anchorage anchoress anchoring anchorite anchovies ancienter anciently ancillary andantino androgens androgyne androgyny andromeda anecdotal anecdotes anecdotic aneurisms aneurysms angelfish angelical angelicas angeluses angiogram angiology angleworm anglicans anglicism anglicize angostura angstroms anguished anguishes angularly anhydride anhydrous anilities animalism animality animaters animating animation animators animistic animosity anisettes anklebone annalists annapolis annealers annealing annotated annotates annotator announced announcer announces annoyance annuitant annuities annulling annulment annuluses anodizing anointers anointing anomalies anomalous anonymity anonymous anopheles anorectic anorexias anschluss answerers answering antarctic anteaters anteceded antecedes antechoir antedated antedates antelopes anterooms anthology anthraces anthralin anticline antidotal antidotes antigenic antiknock antilabor antinoise antinovel antipasti antipasto antipathy antiphons antiphony antipodal antipodes antipoles antipopes antiquary antiquate antiquely antiquers antiquing antiquity antiserum antitoxin antitrust antiunion antivenin anvilling anviltops anxieties anxiously anybodies anythings anywheres apartheid apartment apathetic apennines aperiodic aperitifs apertural apertures aphanites aphasiacs aphorisms aphorists aphorized aphorizes aphrodite apiarists apocrypha apologias apologies apologist apologize apologues apostasis apostates apostolic apothegms appalling appaloosa appanages apparatus appareled appealers appealing appearers appearing appeasers appeasing appellant appellate appellees appellors appendage appendant appending appertain appestats appetency appetites appetizer applauded applauder applauses applejack appliance applicant appliqued appliques appointed appointee appointer apportion apposable appraisal appraised appraiser appraises apprehend apprisers apprising approbate approvals approvers approving apronlike apteryxes aptitudes aptnesses aquacades aquanauts aquaplane aquarians aquarists aquariums aquatints aquatones aqueducts aqueously arabesque arabizing arachnids arachnoid arbalests arbitrage arbitrary arbitrate arboretum arborists arborized arborizes arbutuses arcadians arcadings archaisms archaists archaized archaizes archangel archdukes archenemy archeries archetype archfiend architect archiving archivist ardencies arduously argentina argentine argentite argonauts argufiers argufying arguments aridities aristotle arizonans arizonian arkansans arlington armadillo armaments armatured armatures armchairs armenians armistice armlessly armourers armouries armouring armyworms arointing aromatics aromatize arpeggios arraigned arraigner arrangers arranging arrestees arresters arresting arrestors arrogance arrogated arrogates arrowhead arrowroot arsenates arsenical arsenides arsenious arsenites arsonists arterials arteriole arthritic arthritis arthropod arthurian artichoke articular artifacts artificer artifices artillery artlessly asafetida ascendant ascendent ascenders ascending ascension ascertain ascorbate ascribing asexually ashamedly asininely asininity asparagus aspersers aspersing aspersion aspersors asphalted asphaltic asphaltum asphodels aspirants aspirated aspirates aspirator assailant assailers assailing assassins assaulted assaulter assembled assembler assembles assenters assenting assentors asserters asserting assertion assertive assertors assessing assessors assiduity assiduous assignees assigners assigning assignors assistant assisters assisting assistors associate assonance assonants assorters assorting assuaging assuasive assumable assumably assumedly assurance assuredly assyrians astatines asterisks asterisms asteroids asthmatic astounded astraddle astragals astrakhan astringed astringes astrodome astrolabe astrology astronaut astronomy asymmetry asymptote atavistic atheistic athelings athenaeum atheneums athenians athletics atomising atomistic atomizers atomizing atonality atoneable atonement atoningly atrocious atrophied atrophies attachers attaching attackers attacking attainder attainers attaining attainted attempted attempter attendant attendees attenders attending attention attentive attenuate attestant attesters attesting attestors attitudes attorneys attorning attracted attribute attrition auctioned auctorial audacious audiences audiogram audiology audiotape auditions auditives auditoria augmented augmenter augustest augustine aunthoods auntliest aureately auricular aurochses austerely austerest austerity australia australis austrians authentic authoress authoring authority authorize autobahns autobuses autocades autoclave autocracy autocrats autodials autogiros autograph autogyros automated automates automatic automaton autonomic autophagy autopilot autopsied autopsies auxiliary auxillary available avalanche avascular averaging averments aversions avianized avianizes aviarists aviations avidities avocadoes avocation avoidable avoidably avoidance avouchers avouching avulsions avuncular awakeners awakening awareness awesomely awfullest awfulness awkwarder awkwardly axiomatic axletrees ayatollah azimuthal

What is Michael DeBakey's birthday?

Born in Lake Charles, Louisiana the young Michael Ellis DeBakey had a dream of being an engineer one day but one small decision of his turned around his life and the whole world. He decided to be a surgeon.He received his B. S., M. S., and M. D. degrees from Tulane University in New Orleans, where he was elected to Alpha Omega Alpha (A.O.A.) honorary medical society. He was the subject of a video in the National Library of Medicine on A.O.A. Leaders in American Medicine. He completed his internship and residency in surgery at Charity Hospital in New Orleans and his surgical fellowships at the University of Strasbourg, France, under Professor René Leriche and at the University of Heidelberg, Germany, under Professor Martin Kirschner. From 1937 to 1948, he was a faculty member of the Tulane School of Medicine Department of Surgery. From 1942 to 1946, he was on military leave as a member of the Surgical Consultants' Division in the Office of the Surgeon General of the Army, and in 1945 he became its Director and received the U. S. Army Legion of Merit. He helped develop the mobile army surgical hospital (MASH) units and later helped establish the Veteran's Administration Medical Center Research System. He served as Chairman of the Department of Surgery at Baylor College of Medicine from 1948 to 1993, as President from 1969 to 1979, and as Chancellor from 1979 to January, 1996, when he became Chancellor Emeritus. He was also a Distinguished Service Professor in the Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery at Baylor and Director of the DeBakey Heart Center for research and public education at Baylor and Methodist Hospital.Research has always been a large part of Dr. DeBakey's life. Gifted with an inquiring mind and a desire to write about his observations, Dr. DeBakey was deeply involved in research related to all aspects of cardiothoracic and vascular surgery. While in medical school and actively engaged in medical research, Dr. DeBakey invented the roller pump, which became an essential component of the heart-lung machine and thus helped launch the era of open-heart surgery. With his mentor, Dr. Alton Ochsner, he postulated, in 1939, a strong link between smoking and carcinoma of the lung. He has devised many new operations, devices, and more than 50 surgical instruments for improvement of patient care.In 1952, he was the first in this country to perform successful excision and graft replacement of aneurysms of the aorta and obstructive lesions of the major arteries. In 1953, Dr. DeBakey performed the first successful carotid endarterectomy, thereby establishing the field of surgery for strokes.On January 5, 1953, he performed the first successful removal and graft replacement of a fusiform aneurysm of the thoracic aorta, and in 1954, the first successful resection and graft replacement of an aneurysm of the distal aortic arch and upper descending thoracic aorta. In that same year, he performed the first successful resection and graft replacement of an aneurysm of the ascending aorta and the first successful resection of a dissecting aneurysm of the thoracic aorta. In 1955, Dr. DeBakey was the first to perform a successful resection of an aneurysm of the thoracoabdominal portion of the aorta between the chest and abdomen. In 1958, to counteract narrowing of an artery caused by an endarterectomy, Dr. DeBakey performed the first successful patch-graft angioplasty. In 1964, Dr. DeBakey was the first to perform a successful aortocoronary artery bypass. In 1968, he led a team of surgeons in a historic multiple transplantation procedure in which the heart, kidneys, and one lung of a donor were transplanted into four recipients. He has operated on more than 60,000 patients in Houston alone. His patients include princes and paupers, celebrities and unknowns the world over, all of whom receive the same high standards of excellence in healthcare. An impassioned patient's advocate, he has continuously urged the support of medical research as the means of discovering improved methods of diagnosis, treatment, prevention, and cure.Dr. DeBakey's early research with the artificial heart and his testimony before Congress in 1963 led to the first Federal support of the artificial heart program. A pioneer in the development of an artificial heart and cardiac assistors, he performed, in 1966, the first successful human implantation of a partial artificial heart that he devised - a left ventricular assist device. He also conceived the idea of lining a bypass pump and its connections with Dacron velour, a concept he later applied to the Dacron arterial grafts he had developed. The DeBakey Ventricular Assist Device (VAD), created in collaboration with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), is a miniature device implanted into the heart to increase blood flow for those suffering from congestive heart failure.In 1964, President Lyndon Johnson appointed Dr. DeBakey Chairman of the President's Commission on Heart Disease, Cancer and Stroke. As a result of the Commission's recommendations, regional medical libraries and specialized medical research centers supported by the National Institutes of Health were established at strategic geographic sites throughout the country to expedite dissemination of medical information. He has worked tirelessly in multitudinous capacities to improve the national and international standards of healthcare. His numerous government consultative appointments have included an unprecedented three terms on the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Advisory Council of the National Institutes of Health and the chairmanship of the National Library of Medicine.Dr. DeBakey did not, however, limit his work as a medical statesman to the United States. He has served as a consultant to countries in Europe, the Eastern bloc, and the Middle and Far East, where he has helped establish health-care systems, including cardiovascular surgery programs, in countries throughout the globe, such as Belgium, China, Egypt, England, Germany, Greece, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Morocco, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yugoslavia, and in Australia, New Zealand, and Central and South American countries.Training successive generations of surgeons is perhaps one of Dr. DeBakey's greatest legacies. He has trained myriad surgeons in his more than 50-year career in academic medicine, and he created the fellowships and residency programs that are still thriving in the Michael E. DeBakey Department of Surgery today. He established the General Surgery Residency, the Fellowship in Trauma and Critical Care, the Thoracic Surgery Residency, the Cardiopulmonary Perfusion Program, the Fellowship in Cardiovascular Surgery, the Pediatric Surgery Residency, the Fellowship in Cardiac Transplantation, and the Vascular Surgery Residency. Many of his residents and fellows have gone on to successful careers as chairmen and directors of their own academic surgical programs in this country and abroad. In 1976, in recognition of his dedication to the training of young physicians, his students from throughout the world founded the Michael E. DeBakey International Cardiovascular Surgical Society, later named the Michael E. DeBakey International Surgical Society. The organization, comprising primarily his former students and residents, conducts international medical symposia and confers the Michael E. DeBakey Award biennially.Recognizing the need to attract young people, including minority students, to the health professions early in their schooling and to provide them with a strong academic foundation, Dr. DeBakey, as President of Baylor College of Medicine in 1972, became the driving force behind the establishment of the High School for the Health Professions of the Houston Independent School District. He remained one of the strongest supporters of the School, whose enrollment has grown from 45 to more than 720 of Houston's most promising secondary school students. In 1996, the Harris County Independent School District renamed the School for the Health Professions the Michael E. DeBakey High School for the Health Professions. Dr. DeBakey also established the Michael E. DeBakey Summer Surgery Program in the Baylor Department of Surgery to give premedical students an opportunity to get some practical experience in medicine.Dr. DeBakey was a member of the most distinguished medical societies, having served as President of many of them. He was a founder and the first Editor of the Journal of Vascular Surgery. He was Editor of the Year Book of General Surgery for fourteen years, and has served, on the Editorial Boards of numerous eminent medical and surgical journals, including the Annals of Surgery, Surgery, Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, Circulation, Journal of Vascular Surgery, and The Yearbook of Surgery.Dr. DeBakey has received more than 50 honorary degrees from prestigious colleges and universities, as well as innumerable national and international accolades and awards from educational institutions, professional and civic organizations, and governments. He has received honors from many Heads-of-State throughout the world, including the Presidential Medal of Freedom with Distinction in 1969 from President Lyndon Johnson, the highest honor a United States citizen can receive, and the National Medal of Science in 1987 from President Ronald Reagan. In 2000, the Library of Congress awarded him its Living Legend Award, and in 2001, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) awarded him its Invention of the Year Award for the DeBakey Ventricular Assist Device. In tribute to his outstanding contributions and dedication, numerous awards, institutes, scholarships, and facilities bear his name in the United States and abroad.He has been honored by the governments of Argentina, Belgium, Chile, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Germany, Greece, Italy, Jordan, Korea, Lebanon, Panama, Peru, Portugal, and Yugoslavia. In May, 1978, a 300-lb. bronze bust of Dr. DeBakey, commissioned by King Leopold and Princess Lilian of Belgium and sculpted by the late George Muguet of Paris, was unveiled. At the ceremony Princess Lilian said: "He has provided national and international leadership in fighting cardiovascular disease, and this bust will be a symbol of hope and encouragement to all who come here." The bust stands in the lobby of Methodist Hospital in Houston. In 1974, Dr. DeBakey was honored by the Academy of Medical Sciences of the U.S.S.R. as its first American Foreign Member. In 1992, Dr. DeBakey was inducted into the Academy of Athens, a society of scholars founded by the Greek philosopher Plato. Although membership is generally restricted to Greeks who have made exceptional contributions to the arts, science, or literature, an exception was made in Dr. DeBakey's case, as it was for Albert Einstein and Winston Churchill, in view of their extraordinary achievements. He has received Lifetime Achievement Awards from the Academy of Medical Films, American Heart Association, Children Uniting Nations, Encyclopedia Britannica, Foundation for Biomedical Research, International College of Angiology, International Health and Medical Film Festival, Research! America and Tulane Medical Alumni Association. Other major awards include the:· U.S. Army Legion of Merit (1945)· American Medical Association Hektoen Gold Medal (1954 and 1970)· Rudolph Matas Award in Vascular Surgery (1954)· International Society of Surgery Distinguished Service Award (1958)and Leriche Award (1959)· American Medical Association Distinguished Service Award (1959)· American Medical Association Billings Gold Medal Exhibit Award (1967)· American Heart Association Gold Heart Award (1968)· Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Academy of Sciences 50th Anniversary Jubilee Medal (1973)· Veterans of Foreign Wars Commander-in-Chief's Medal and Citation (1980)· American Surgical Association Distinguished Service Award (1981)· Academy of Surgical Research Markowitz Award (1988)· Association of American Medical Colleges Special Recognition Award (1988)· American Legion Distinguished Service Award (1990)· Premio Giuseppe Corradi Award for Surgery and Scientific Research (1997)· Russian Military Medical Academy, Boris Petrovsky International Surgeons Award and First Laureate of the Boris Petrovsky Gold Medal (1997)· John P. McGovern Compleat Physician Award (1999)· Russian Academy of Sciences Foreign Member (1999)· Texas Senate and House of Representatives, Adoption of resolutions honoring Dr. DeBakey for 50 years of medical practice in Texas (1999)· American Medical Association Virtual Mentor Award (2000)· American Philosophical Society Jonathan Rhoads Medal (2000)· Library of Congress Bicentennial Living Legend Award (2000)With his keen intellect, professional ingenuity, personal integrity and selfless devotion to humanity, Women's International Center is so proud to present the International Samaritan Living Legacy Award to a living legend and a genuine healer of the human heart.Dr. DeBakey was a true Renaissance man, with interests and knowledge ranging across a broad spectrum of disciplines beyond medicine, including history, philosophy, ethics, literature, art, and music, as well as socioeconomic and cultural fields of study. His keen intellect, ingenuity, personal integrity, compassion, and selfless devotion to the service of humanity have made him a true legend in his own time.

What are he branches of science?

Branches of ScienceAAcoustics: It is a branch of science related to the study of transmission of sound waves. It usually refers to the characteristics of theaters, auditoriums and studios and includes the behavior of sound in buildings and noise and noise control.Aerodynamics: It is associated with the study of forces of air acting on objects in motion relative to air.Aeronautical Engineering: It is a branch of science that is related to the study of design and manufacture of flight-capable machines as well as the techniques of operating aircraft.Agriculture: It is the science of cultivating the ground, harvesting the crops and rearing and management of farming, husbandry and livestock. It is associated with the production of food, fiber, feed and other goods by systematic harvesting or growing the plants and rearing the animals.Agronomy: It is a branch of agriculture that deals with field crop production and soil management. It involves the scientific study of crop production and its usage for food, feed, fiber and fuel.Algebra: It is a branch of mathematics that deals with the study of structure, quantity and relation. It includes the use of symbols, letters and/or characters to represent numbers and express mathematical relationships.Algology: see PhycologyAnatomy: It is a branch of biology, related to the study of structure and organization of living things. It involves human anatomy, plant anatomy (phytotomy) and animal anatomy (zootomy).Angiology: It is the science that includes the study of blood and lymph vessels and their disorders.Anthropology: It involves the study of both past and present human cultures. It is associated with physical and social characteristics of humanity through the study of historical and present geographical distribution, acculturation, cultural history and cultural relationships.Apiculture: It is the science and art of raising and management of honeybees, Apis mellifera. It involves the cultivation of bees on commercial scale for the production of honey.Applied Mathematics: It is a branch of mathematics that deals with the mathematical techniques, which are used in the application of mathematical knowledge to other domains.Archaeology: It is a subdiscipline of anthropology that involves the study of physical evidence of past human societies, recovered through excavationAstronomy: It is the scientific study of celestial bodies such as stars, comets, planets and galaxies and phenomena that originate outside the Earth's atmosphere such as the cosmic background radiation.Astrophysics: It is a branch of astronomy that is associated with the physics of celestial bodies (galaxies, stars and interstellar medium).Atomic Physics: It is a field of physics that is associated with the study of internal structure of atomic nuclei as an isolated system of electrons. It mainly involves the study of arrangement of electrons around the nucleus.BBacteriology: It is a branch of microbiology, which involves the scientific study of bacteria in relation to disease as well as agriculture.Biochemistry: It deals with the study of chemical substances and vital processes that take place in living organisms. It primarily focuses on the structure, function and role of biomolecules. It includes the study of organic chemistry of compounds and processes occurring in organisms.Bioengineering: It is an application of systematic, integrative and quantitative engineering principles to living structures, such as creating chemicals, drugs, tissues and artificial organs.Biology: It is also known as biological science, which includes the scientific study of life. It involves the study of structure, origin, growth, evolution, function and distribution of living things.Biophysics: It is a branch of science that involves an application of methods and principles of physics to understand the biological systems.Biotechnology: It is associated with the industrial application of living organisms and/or biological techniques developed through basic research. Biotechnology is applied for producing the pharmaceutical compounds and research materials. It is mainly applied in genetic engineering and recombinant DNA technology.Botany: It is also referred to as plant biology, plant science or phytology. It involves the scientific study of plant life.CCardiology: It deals with study, diagnosis and treatment of various disorders of heart and major blood vessels.Chemical Engineering: It is a branch of engineering that deals with design, construction and operation of machinery and plants for different products such as dyes, acids, plastics, drugs and rubber, applying the chemical reactions.Chemistry: It is a branch of natural science that is associated with the composition of substances and their properties and reactions. It is the science of matter and its interactions with energy and itself.Civil Engineering: This branch of engineering deals with the planning, designing, construction and maintenance of structures (roads, bridges, etc) and altering the geography to suit the human needs.Climatology: It involves the study of climatic data, analysis of climatic changes and investigations of its phenomena and causes.Computer Science: It includes a systematic study of computation and computing system. It involves different theories for understanding the computing systems and methods, algorithms, design methodology and tools, methods of analysis and verification and methods for testing the concepts.Cosmetology: It is the practice of beautifying the face, skin and hair, using different cosmetics.Cosmology: It is a branch of physical science that is associated with the nature of universe, its origin and overall structure.Craniology: This branch of science is related to the study of physical characteristics of the skulls of different human races.Cryogenics: A scientific study that deals with the production, control, application and uses of very low temperature.Cryptography: It is the science of protecting the information by transforming it into an unreadable, unintelligible, enciphered format with the use of a key and an algorithm.Cytology: It is a branch of biological science that is associated with the study of structure, origin, function and pathology of cells.DDactylography: It is the science of using the fingerprints for the purpose of identification.Dermatology: It is a branch of medicine that deals with the skin disorders such as moles, skin cancers, contact dermatitis, psoriasis and other skin conditions, related to other diseases. It also includes the disorders of hair, nails, mouth and external genitalia.Dentistry: This branch of medicine deals with diagnosis, treatment and prevention of the diseases associated with teeth, oral cavity and related structures.Dynamics: It is a branch of mechanics that includes the study of various forces, their action on bodies and changes in motion they produce.EEcology: It includes the study of interrelationships between living organisms and their environment.Electronics: It is a branch of technology, which is associated with the development and application of circuits or systems, using electronic devices such as magnetic amplifiers, transistors, etc.Endocrinology: It is a branch of medical science that is associated with the study of function and pathology of endocrine glands.Engineering: It is an application of scientific, mechanical, physical and mathematical principles to design process, structures and products that are meant for improving the quality of life.Entomology: It is a branch of science that includes the study of insects in their relations to forests and forest products.Environmental Science: It is the study of interactions among biological, physical and chemical components of environmental system.Epidemiology: It includes the study of cause and distribution of diseases in human population.Ethnology: It involves the study of mental and physical differences of mankind.Etiology: It is the study of causes or origins of disease/abnormal condition.Etymology: It includes the study of history of words and their meanings.Eugenics: It deals with the study of hereditary improvement of human race by controlled selective breeding.Evolution: It is the sequence of changes involved in evolutionary development of a species or taxonomic group of organisms.Exbiology: It is a branch of science that deals with life or possibilities of life present beyond the earth.FForestry: It is the art and science of managing and using forests and their associated resources to produce various products such as timber for human benefits.Floriculture: It is a discipline of horticulture, related with the cultivation of flowering and ornamental plants for the gardens and floristry, including the floral industry.Forensic Science: It is a branch of medical science that deals with establishing the evidence for legal proceeding.GGenetics: It is a branch of biology that focuses on the heredity and variation of organisms as well as the patterns of inheritance of specific traits.Gemology: It is the science and art of identifying, grading, evaluating and marketing the gemstones.Geography: It includes the study of the earth as well as its features phenomena and inhabitants. It also deals with climate, topography, vegetation and soil.Geology: This branch of science involves the study of origin, history, evolution and structure of the earth's crust. It also involves the examination of soil and rocks.Geometry: It is a branch of mathematics that deals with the questions of shape, size and relative positions of figures as well as with the properties of space. It is associated with polygons, vertices, triangles, meshes and associated operations to be done with them in 3D applications.Geophysics: It involves the study of physical and geological properties and characteristics of the earth, minerals and rocks.Gerontology: It deals with the scientific study of psychological, biological and sociological phenomena related to aging and old age.Gynecology: It is a discipline of medicine that is concerned with disorders of women, particularly reproductive and sexual function and diseases of reproductive organs.HHeliology: It deals with the study of the Sun.Hematology It is a branch of medical science that includes the study of function and disease of blood as well as diagnosis and treatment of disorders of blood, lymph glands and spleen.Hepatology: This branch of medical science incorporates the study of functions and disorders of liver as well as biliary tree, gallbladder and pancreas.Histology: It includes the study of structure and behavior of cells and body tissues, using microscopic examination of tissue slices.Horticulture: It is an agricultural technology that is associated with growing ornamental plants, flowers, fruits and vegetables.Hydroponics: It is a branch of science that deals with growing the plants, particularly vegetables, in water containing essential mineral nutrients, instead of in soil.Hydrotherapy: It is the science of treating a disease using hot or cold water, internally or externally to maintain and restore health. This treatment involves full body immersion, saunas, steam baths, colonic irrigation, sitz baths and hot or/and cold compresses.Hydrology: It deals with distribution, occurrence, properties, chemistry and circulation of water on the earth. It includes the study of streams, rivers, lakes, etc.Hydrostatics: It involves the mathematical study of forces and pressures in liquids.IIchthyology: It is the study of fish.Iconography: It is a system of using images, symbolic pictures, or figures to represent a theme or structure.Immunology: It deals with the study of diseases and body's immune system and its functions.JJurisprudence: It is a branch of philosophy associated with study and structure of law and legal system.LLexicography: It is the science of compiling, writing and editing the dictionaries. It is done on the basis of study of meaning, form and behavior of the words in a given language.Linguistics: It incorporates the study of structure, form, sound, function, variety and development of specific languages and human speech in general.MMammalogy: It is a branch of zoologythat includes the study of mammals.Mammography: It is a special examination breast using an X-ray. It is one of the most effective methods for an early detection of breast cancer.Marine Biology: It is associated with the scientific study of living organisms in the ocean and other brackish or marine bodies of water.Mathematics: It is the body of knowledge that focuses on different concepts such as structure, quantity, change and space. It is also one of the academic disciplines.Mechanics: It is a branch of physics that is related to the behavior of physical bodies after subjecting to forces or displacements and the subsequent effects of bodies on their environment.Mechanical Engineering: It is a branch of engineering that includes the study of design, construction and operation of machinery.Medicine: It is the science of maintaining and/or restoring human health through the study, diagnosis and treatment with non-surgical techniques.Metallurgy: It is the science of extracting the metals from their ores. It also involves purifying the metals and casting useful items from them.Meteorology: This branch of science involves the study of chemistry, physics and dynamics of atmosphere and its direct effects on the earth's surface, oceans and life on the earth.Microbiology: It is a branch of biology that is concerned with the study of structure and function of microorganisms, including bacteria, moulds and pathogenic protozoa.Mineralogy: It is a scientific discipline that includes the study of chemical composition, physical properties, internal crystal structure, origin, occurrence and distribution in nature of different minerals.Molecular Biology: It is a discipline of biology that includes the study of structure, formation and function of essential macromolecules such as RNA, DNA and proteins. It also deals with the process of replication, transcription and translation of genetic information.Morphology: It is the science of structure and form of organisms, including animals, plants and other forms of life, with special emphasis on external features.Mycology: It is a branch of botany that includes the study of fungi and fungal infection. It involves the study of fungi, their taxonomy, their biochemical and genetic properties and their use to humans as a source for food, medicine and tinder.Myology: This science includes the study of structure and function of muscles and muscle tissues.NNephrology: It is a discipline of medical science that focuses on diagnosis and treatment of various kidney disorders, including fluid and mineral balance.Neurology: It is related to the structure, functioning and disorders of nervous system including the brain, spinal cord, as well as related muscles, nerves and blood supplies.Nuclear Physics: It is a branch of physics, which includes the study of atomic nuclei, their interaction with each other as well as with constituent particles.Numismatics: This branch of science deals with the study and collection of coins, paper money, medals, tokens and similar objects.Nutrition: It is the study of foods and nutrients and their effect on growth, development and health of an individual.OObstetrics: This branch of medicine deals with the health and care of a woman and fetus during pregnancy, parturition and puerperium.Oceanography: It is the study of chemistry, physics, geology and biology of oceans in the world.Odontology: It is associated with the scientific study of anatomy, development and diseases of teeth.Oncology: It is associated with diagnosis and treatment of cancer and tumors.Oneirology: It is a scientific study of dreams and their contents.Ophthalmology: It is a branch of medical science that includes the study of structure, function and diseases of the eyes, such as conjunctivitis, cataracts, glaucoma, etc.Optics: It is a branch of physics that focuses on the physical properties of light and interaction of light with matter.Organic Chemistry: This branch of chemistry is associated with the study of carbon-containing compounds, which includes their structure and reactions.Ornithology: It is a branch of zoology that includes the study of birds.Osteology: It is a branch of anatomy, which involves the scientific study of structure, functions and pathology of bones.PPaleontology: It is a branch of biology that deals with the study of prehistoric life, based mainly in fossils of animals and plants.Pathology: It is a medical discipline that is related to cause and nature of disease. It mainly involves structural and functional changes in tissues and organs caused by the disease.Particle Physics: It is a branch of physics that includes the study of particles and their fundamental reactions.Pedology: It is a branch of science that deals with the study of soil, including its formation, composition, structure and classification.Petrology: This science incorporates the study of history, origin, structure, occurrence and chemical classification of rocks.Pharmacology: It involves the study of drugs/medications and their nature, origin, properties as well as their effects on living organisms.Philately: It involves the study and collection of postage stamps.Philology: It is the science of language and linguistics.Phonetics: It is the study and classification of sounds of human speech.Phycology: It is a branch of botany that includes the scientific study of algae. It is also known as algology.Physical Chemistry: It is a discipline of chemistry, which includes the application of techniques and theories from physics to study the microscopic, macroscopic, atomic, subatomic and particulate phenomena in chemical systems.Physics: It is a branch of science that is concerned with the study of properties and interactions of time, space, energy and matter.Physiology: This branch of biology deals with the study of physical, biochemical and mechanical functions and activities of living organisms.Physiography: It is the study of natural features of earth's surface and its natural phenomena such as climate, currents, land formation and distribution of flora and fauna.Plasma Physics: It is a branch of physics that deals with the study of interaction of plasma with itself, radiation and particle beams.Pollution: It involves the study of undesirable changes in biological, chemical and physical characteristics of water, air, soil or food, which can cause a number of adverse effects on the living beings.Pomology: It is a branch of science that includes the study of fruits and cultivation of fruits.Protozoology: It is a branch of zoology that deals with the study of protozoans.Psychology: It is the scientific study of mental and behavioral processes.RRadiology: It is a medical discipline that focuses on using radiation and other radioactive substances to diagnose and treat various diseases.SSeismology: It is a scientific investigation of earthquakes as well as structure of the earth, based on the study of seismic waves.Sericulture: It is also referred to as silk farming. It is rearing of silkworms for producing the raw silk.Serpentology: It is a branch of zoology, which deals with the study of snakes.Sociology: It is the scientific study of society, human social interaction and social relationships.Speech Therapy: It includes the evaluation and treatment of speech, language and voice disorders. It is the rehabilitation treatment for the patients with difficulties in swallowing or communication.Statics: It is the study of forces that act on the bodies at rest.Statistics: It is a branch of applied mathematics, associated with the collection, analysis, explanation or interpretation and presentation of data. It can be applied to a variety of academic disciplines, from social and natural sciences to humanities and to business and government.TTaxonomy: It is the science of classifying all the living things by arranging them in groups according to their relationships with each other.Therapeutics: It is the science of healing or medical treatment of disease.Thermodynamics: It is a branch of physics which deals with general properties of energy and matter. It includes the study of amount of work, heat and other energy related to chemical reactions.VVirology: It is a discipline of microbiology or pathology, which includes the study of evolution, structure, classification and pathogenesis of viruses.ZZoology: It is a branch of biology that is related to the study of animal kingdom, including evolution, classification, distribution, structure, habits and embryology of animals.