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AFP : alpha feto protein.

This is the main tumour marker used in germ cell tumours, i.e. testicular, ovarian and teratoma. AFP also is the most specific and ideal tumor marker for primary carcinoma of liver (Hepatocellular Carcinoma)

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Q: What is AFP tumor Marker test?
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How much blood is needed for a tumor marker test?

Tumor marker tests usually require 5-10 mL of blood.

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carcinoembryonic antigen, it is a tumor marker test.

What does the medical abbreviation AFP mean?

AFP stands for alpha-fetoprotein. It can be used as a marker for prenatal diagnosis.

What color tube is used for an AFP test?

A red tube with no anticoagulant is typically used for an AFP test.

What was the first tumor marker?

The Bence-Jones protein is secreted into the urine where it can be measured. It was the first tumor marker identified.

What is a CEA test?

carcinoembryonic antigen, it is a tumor marker test.

What is a common ovarian tumor marker?

M2-PK is a new tumor marker for ovarian cancer with a sensitivity of approximately 70%

What do high levels of alpha-fetoprotein mean?

Elevated AFP typically indicates a primary liver tumor or a germ cell tumor of the ovary or testicle

What do high levels of alpha fetoprotein mean?

Elevated AFP typically indicates a primary liver tumor or a germ cell tumor of the ovary or testicle

What does serial measurement for tumor markers mean?

Conclusions based on tumor marker tests are seldom based on one test result but on a series of test results, called serial measurements. A series of increasing or decreasing values is more significant than a single value.

What are limitations of the AFP test?

The AFP test can produce false positives/negatives, leading to unnecessary anxiety or missed detections. It is not a specific test and elevated levels can be caused by various conditions besides cancer. The AFP test is most useful when combined with other diagnostic tests for liver cancer.

What is the alpha-fetoprotein test?

The alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) test is a blood test that is performed during pregnancy. This screening test measures the level of AFP in the mother's blood and indicates the probability that the fetus has one of several serious birth defects.