As with most medical terms, it depends on the context. It might be used as an abbreviation to reference a body part such as Right Extremity or Right Eye (this is also abbreviated "OD" for Oculus Dextra), or, less often, Right Ear (often this is abbreviated "AD" for Auris Dextra).
If written "RE:" or "re:" it can be the abbreviation for "regarding", as is also used in other non-medical contexts.
As an acronym, instead of an abbreviation in medicine, other possible meanings of "RE" include Reflux Esophagitis, Regional Enteritis, Rectal Exam, Reproductive Endocrinologist, Routine Examination, Reflex Epilepsy, Reading Epilepsy, Reticuloendothelial, and Rasmussen's Encephalitis. This is only a partial list of potential meanings, depending on context.
no medical term with fldr abbreviation
The medical abbreviation NFP means natural family planning.
Inj. abbreviation means: injection
Abbreviation for right sacroposterior position
HTN is the medical abbreviation meaning hypertension, or high blood pressure.
Standing Medical Orders
medical ex
what does RE stand for in schools
In medical terms, the abbreviation "resp" stands for respirations or respiratory, depending on the context.