Within Normal Limits
normal sinus rhythm
If the cardiac size is within the upper limits of normal, it means that the heart is still a normal size, but is on the larger size of all normal hearts. There is a range for how big the heart is allowed to be.
Within Normal Limits....usually a lab value...if wnl...then its normal
Within normal limits
NL is often used to indicate "normal limits" or "normal.""Nl" stands for "normal". You'll often see it written as WNL which means "within normal limits".
Within normal limits
pulmonary edema
Buffering system is the physiological system that function to keep pH within normal limits.
Euthyroid means the thyroid hormone levels are within normal limits, as opposed to hypothyroid or hyperthyroid.
Yes, by UK standards it is on the high side of normal. Within Normal Limits being up to 140 over 90.