It depends on the context.
A negative pregnancy test or negative culture means pregnancy hormone or sought-for pathogen were not found.
A negative x-ray means normal.
A pertinent negative is a "no" answer in the history that helps narrow the diagnosis. (For instance, a woman with no period for six months reports no intercourse with a man in ten years. That's a pertinent negative.)
What does code610 mean in medical terms
In medical terms, stool means feces.
Occult means hidden in medical terms.
Progressive medical terms means it will get worse.
In medical terms, "sinister" means left.
Inspiration in medical terms means inhaling.
Fe in medical terms usually refers to iron.
In medical terms, iii means three.
In medical terms, trig stands for triglycerides.Trig in medical terms stands for triglycerides.
Gross in medical terms means visible with the naked eye.
Negative impression of the physician