

What classes in AQW can heal?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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11y ago

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necromancer, vindicator of they, healer, acolyte (member), bard(member), evolved shaman, pyromancer, deathknight (member), blood ancient (member), troll spellsmith, undeadslayer (member). Thats all I can find, might be more.

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What is the difference between shaman and evolve shaman in aqw?

Evolved shaman is better for teams but cannot deal high damage and can solo bosses efficientlyand heal. Shaman is a high damage dealer but cannot heal like evolved or solo, needs a team to be efficient.

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Are there any good RPG?

I Personally think Adventure Quest Worlds (AQW) is a cool game because you can choose your character and get weapons, classes etc. You should play it! Only bad thing is that the max level is 20... PS: I quit AQW because I kept on doing other stuff!