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Ulcers are usually brought on by stress. What I would do is stay off your feet for a while, maybe get PRESCRIBED medication (pain killers) and if you have any stress in your life, get rid of the causes or the source of the problem.

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Q: What can you do for a bleading ulser?
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Related questions

What is an Ulser?

An ulser is an exsposed nerve.

Is ulser caused by over eating?

amp ? its ULCER not ULSER .. ,, for me ULCER cause by too much eating .. no proper diet ..

What is direct pressure used for in first aid?

stopping bleading

Does salt help mouth ulser?

Yes it does , it may hurt but is helps :D

Did Einstein have high blood pressure?

May be , As He was died of Internal Bleading .

What type of bleading is bright red in color and spurts out from the body?


What to do if guinea pigs are bleading from buttwhole?

What on earth?! Take it to a vet! D: They have to know.

What is a spherical marble size growth on the bottom side of the jawbone-gum on your dog?

an ulser or growth

How do you fall down the starirs?

You trip yourself and land bleading. Never attempt this at home!

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urinary bleading, disconfort on the affected side, wight loss

What does an airsoft gun that shoots at 1000 fps do to you?

it will pinitrate your skin causing bleading and EXTREME pain

What were Napoleon Bonaparte's famous quotations about fate?

In the Peninsular war, after Napoleon was defeated he quoted" the Spanish ulser ruined me"