"Tori" (singular torus) are bony or muscular ridges. You can probably feel one on the middle of the hard part of the roof of your mouth.
Toria Jones's birth name is Toria D'Eda Jones.
Toria Pardoe is 5' 4".
Toria Jones is 5' 2 1/2".
Toria Burrell's birth name is Victoria Burrell.
The cast of The Toria Show - 2009 includes: Eryl Lloyd Parry as Gandalf
alice mecca arlina and toria
Forsia Perut wen toria
Holly McGuire goes by Toria.
Small Wonder - 1985 Victor Vicki-toria 2-19 was released on: USA: 14 February 1987
vicky tor toria tortor Victoria Vick
Tori Vega is the main character in the show called Victorious
Victoria Ann Zito goes by Toria.