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1.5 day period can also be spotting due to decidual(fertilised egg) penetration of the uterine wall. spottings are generally small in quantity n less in frequency. however since u say that u did your test 14 days after the 1.5 day then the result is very reliable....the test kits are to be used 1 to 2 wks after suspected intercourse n judging from your dates its way past 2 weeks. nausea can be normal even before menstruation due to imbalance in hormones...commonly called PMS.....these test kits have accuracy rates up to 98%....even docs rely on them as an alternative to ultrasound. however to be in the safer side n to make u feel better just do another test early in the morning....if its still negative then u can be 101% sure that its not.

other sign u can rely on esp on the 1st trimester

frequent urine voiding

breast engorgement

morning sickness

food craving

prominent nipples

large areolas

bluish vagina (ask ur partner for this)

lastly, it doesnt hurt to see a doc....

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Q: Last month you got my period lasted for 1.5 days now 2 days before your next period about 4 wks later im feeling very nauseas could i be pregnant i tested on the 14th it was neg should i test again?
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