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She was freed at the age if 24 when General Xue died, the wife wrote a letter to her parents informing her freedom.

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Q: In wild swans how does Yu-fang grandmother escape her life as a concubine?
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In twilight what is Bella's grandmother called?

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Grandma Marie. Bella called her Gran.

Who plays Bella Swans grandma?

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Bella's full name is Isabella Marie Swan. Her middle name is the same as her grandmother's first name.

Were do swan go wen is witer?

Swans, and quite a lot of bird species, will migrate southwards to escape the worst of the winter weather.

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Collective nouns for quail are: A covey of quail A bevy of quail Collective nouns for swans are: a ballet of swans a bank of swans a bevy of swans a drift of swans a eyrar of swans (a nest of young swans) a fanfare of swans a flight of swans a flock of swans a game of swans a herd of swans a lamentation of swans a regatta of swans (on water) a sounder of swans a squadron of swans a team of swans a wedge of swans (in flight) a whiteness of swans a whiting of swans

Are swans made of potatoes?

No, swans are not made out of potatoes. Swans are animals and potatoes are plants.

What Animated Movie has 12 black swans and one princess?

Swans or The Wild Swans.

Can swans have asthma?

Yes, Swans Can Have Asthma

Do swans leap?

No swans can't leap.

Are swans smart?

Yes, swans are smart.