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it take awhile for your body to get back to a normal period once you stop taking depo vera up to about a year most of the time that did not answer my question to feeling pregnant right after i stopped bleeding ? !

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Q: If you were bleeding more often then not after your depo shot was up six months ago and two weeks ago you were bleedin and all of sudden you stopped and now feel like you could be pregnant could you?
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You want to get pregnant again and you just had a baby two months ago?

if the postpartum bleeding has stopped then you probably could get pregnant.

Is it normal to have light bleeding when your 2 months pregnant?

No! You shouldn't be bleeding unless you're not pregnant!

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I stopped birth control 3 months ago. I have had a period for the last 13 days. Could it mean i am pregnant?

It depends on what kind of bleeding you're having. If it's spotting, that could mean you're pregnant. But, if it's bleeding like a normal period, chances are you're not pregnant. Best thing to do, of course, would be to see your doctor because it could be something serious.

What if I am bleeding after i pee when I am 3 months pregnant?

See your doctor, or anti-natal clinic.

If you had a miscarriage two months ago is it normal that you're still bleeding if you didn't have a D and C?

No it isn't normal to continue bleeding two months after a miscarriage. Do a pregnancy test to find out if your still pregnant. HCG will be gone from your urine now and the test will be negative if your not pregnant. Also contact your doctor about the bleeding. You may have part of the fetus left inside of you which is causing the bleeding.

Ii'm 2 12 months pregnant I started bleeding yesterday and it became real heavy The Dr told me that my uterus and placenta are bleeding I need the risk for baby and me?

Oh my god, 212 months pregnant? That is definitely too long. A normal pregnancy lasts only 9 months. 212 months, that is more than 17 years!!! Incredible!!!

Is it safe to have your periods when you are two months pregnant?

If you're having periods, you're not pregnant. Other bleeding during pregnancy could be a very bad sign for the health of the foetus however, so go to the doctor if you're sure you're pregnant but bleeding.

You haven't had your period in a few months Can you still get pregnant without a period?

If menstrual bleeding has stopped due to menopause, then no. You can no longer get pregnant. If you are not going through menopause, then having your period stop is usually a sign that you already are pregnant. However, it could be due to stress, drastic weight loss, or certain diseases. Take a pregnancy test and/or see your doctor to know for sure.

If you are two months pregnant and are bleeding deep red blood is it definitely a miscarriage?

Not definitely, but it is important that you go to the hospital to get checked out

Haven't had a period for 5 months started bleeding today but i feel movement in my belly?

have you seen, I didn't know I was pregnant? They all seem to have bleeding throughout. Go to the doctor now.

You stopped taking the pill a year ago and you havent had a period in three months are you pregnant?

That's the most likely explanation.