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well you don't really want to get your toenail taken off because it really hurts but it can fall off if you stub it very hard or if you get it stuck under something like a door

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Q: How will you get your toenail to fall off?
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How do you make your toenail fall off if they aren't loose?

By picking or peeling the toenail off.

What makes a toenail fall off?

If you drop something heavy on your toenail, it will kill the nailbed and it will fall off. Usually will grow back eventually.

Why would your toenail fall off if there is no injury?

Foot fungus.

How can you tell if a toenail is dead?

The dead nail will begin to detach (and eventually fall off) while a new toenail grows in.

I just tripped off and it hurted my toenail will it fall off?

If you tripped and hurt our toe nail and the toe nail is bruised or damaged it could fall off.

Do toenails Regrow?

Yes, no matter what the cause of the toenail to fall off, it will grow back within several months.

Why do a cats toenail fall off?

A cat's toenail may fall off due to injury, infection, trauma, or a health issue like a fungal infection or autoimmune disease. It is important to seek veterinary care if your cat loses a toenail to address any underlying causes and prevent complications.

What can you use to reattach a toenail to the bed?

Nothing. It either will completely fall off and grow again or will attach itself on its own.

What happens when your toenail is broken in the middle of the toe?

The new toenail will grow in and the old one will fall off or be pushed along if it is still attached. Go to a doctor if it pushes into the skin or otherwise irritates the toe.

Do people die from their toenails falling off?

It's not unusual for a toenail to fall off and grow back. If an infection is caught and not treated it may result in death.

Can you work out if your toenail has came off?


How do you get rid of a black toenail?

If the black toenail is causing pain or discomfort, it's best to see a doctor. They might recommend draining any accumulated blood, removing the nail, or providing topical treatments to prevent infection. In most cases, the black toenail will eventually fall off as new nail growth pushes it out.