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approximatly 5 and a half (5.5)

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Q: How many liters blood in human body?
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How many litters of blood does the human body have?

there's about 5 liters of blood in the human body.

How many letres of blood is there in a human body?

I THINK THERE ARE 80 liters of blood in our body

How many liters of blood does the human body contain one time?

The average adult human body contains about 5-6 liters of blood. This blood circulates throughout the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to cells, as well as removing waste products.

How many pints of blood in a goat?

There are approximately 70 ML/KG in an adult goat. A human has 8 liters of blood in the their body.

How many liters of body pumped around a body per day?

The human body circulates about 5-6 liters of blood per minute. This amounts to approximately 7,200-8,640 liters of blood pumped around the body each day.

How many white blood cells in the human body?

The human body has, on average, 7 thousand white blood cells per microliter of blood. With an average of 5.25 liters of blood in the average human, this equates to almost 37 billion white blood cells.

How many liters of blood in a pig?

The average human has about five liters of blood. The average pig has about three or three and a half liters of blood.

How many liters of blood does the human body renew daily?

You have only five liters of blood flowing through your blood vessels. Body renews only few milliliters of blood daily and not in liters. Red blood cells live 120 days, so it replace 5 liters every 120 days, or about 40 ml per day.

How many blood liters in the human body?

The amount of blood in a human's body directly depends on his/her size. However, the average adult Homosapien contains 4-6 liters of blood.Approximately 4.5 litres - or about eight pints.

How many liters of your body is blood?

Average adults have about 5 liters of blood in their vascular system.

How many gallons of blood in the human body?

approximately 6 quarts (or 5.6 liters) or one and a half gallons (US)

How many liter of blood done have in our body?

There are 70mL/kg in the human body per male there are 65mL/kg in the human body per female Example A 60kg patient (or 132lbs) has 4,200mL of blood