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Hospital internship is the best place for this purpose. Get the internship and do well in the hospital. At the end you will get your nursing license after the completion of internship.

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Q: How does someone get a nursing assisstant license?
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Related questions

What if you do not have a nursing license?

If you do not have a nursing license for the specific state you are not allowed to work as a registered nurse.

After getting a nursing licenses can you get a nursing job?

It is very essential to have the license of nursing if you want to join nursing industry. You can easily find the job if license is there with you.

How do you get a unrestricted nursing license?

An unrestricted license is your standard nursing license. You don't have any restrictions on passing narcotics or mild altering substances.

Can someone be denied a nursing license in Virginia due to a petit larceny misdemeanor charge?

you would have to go before the board of nursing in your state, explain yourself, and they decide your fate.

What does a nursing license look like?

The appearance of a nursing license would be dependent on the state that you licensed. Some states may include a wallet sized nursing license along with the full size document.

What jobs are available to someone with a bachelor's degree in nursing if they have no nursing license?

You could most likely get into some sort of administration postion. If you don't have a license because it was revoked due to Board action, be prepared to answer some very pointed questions. Take it from me.

What kind of license does a registered nurse need?

a registered nurse license issued by the state board of nursing from the state/states in which he/she practices

What jobs are available for a Vocational Nursing graduate without a nursing license?

Medical Transcriptionist.

Can you get a nursing license in Pennsylvania with a criminal record?

Whether or not person can get a nursing license in Pennsylvania with a criminal record depends on the type of crime. If it isÊa violent record, the chance of getting a license in slight.

Do school nurses have their nursing license?

Yes; it is illegal to operate anywhere without a license.

Can a misdeameanor be erased from a nursing certificate?

Correction,can a wrongful misdeameanor be erased from a nursing certificate/ license

In the state of Arkansas can you get a nursing license with a recent DWI on your record?

I would hope not. You have a DWI on your license, you should be in jail , not acting as a nurse. A nurse is someone who has the profession of helping protect the life and health of others, a DWI er is someone who gives nurses job security.