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WikiAnswers does NOT give advice on how to harm your body. PLEASE do not cut yourself. If you have a problem, cutting yourself would not solve it! It will just make matters worse. Talk to someone that you believe could understand you. Again, please DO NOT CUT YOURSELF!

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Q: How do you make yourself bleed more when cutting?
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Do somas make you bleed more while being tattooed?

no you should not bleed more when you get a tatoo.

Can you die from cutting?

Yes, If you cut yourself, you can bleed to death by cutting a major blood vein or capillary, etc. so it is best not to do so. It would be easier and much more healthy to talk to someone (a close friend or councilor) if you want to cut your self due to depression or another reason.

How do you cut myself without pain?

Speaking from personal experience, I think there should be pain. Alot of the people who cut themselves do it because it is a different type of pain. It either helps them cope, like a release, or do it because it feels worse then what they deal with. If you don't want to feel the pain, then I don't think cutting the right thing to do. Your right cutting does hurt but the worst you will feel is just a sting..... there is no way to avoid it unless you numb it. Afterwards you may experience extreme discomfort.

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How can i hurt yourself painfully more then cutting and burning?

Don't find more methods to harm yourself, just seek help from a therapist or talk to someone so you can fix the cause of your desire to harm yourself. Cutting or burning is not safe for you physically, emotionally, or mentally. Find help!

What does the pain of cutting yourself feel like?

The pain of cutting yourself depends on how you cut yourself, where you cut lyourself, and what you use to cut yourself, If you cut yourself deep the pain will obviously be more intense, but i do not recomend cutting deeper to intensify pain, if you cut yourself on the inside of your wrist it feels almost like just a slight sting, or a small burn, but on your leg, chest, and side it feels more intense almost like a fire, and if you use a knife it feels more intense as well, but using a razor blade(which is what i use) is more like just a burn or sting, but the only real way to describe cutting yourself is that it feels like a blade slicing your skin, obviously because that's what it is...

Do you have to cutt to be anorexia?

No, cutting yourself Is something completely different than having an eating disorder. Usually cutting yourself Indicates a underlying form of depression and or psychological issues. Most common are: Depression Anxiety OCD Dysthemia Chronic depression Psychosis Bipolar PTSD There are more that can cause cutting but those are the more significant. Opinion below. Being anorexic however can cause you to form one of those, or a lesser few of them and cause you to "believe" that the cutting will help or make it better.

I've been cutting myself for months but why is it starting to hurt a lot more now?

I cut myself and i hate that i ever started. I'm not going to tell you to stop cutting yourself cause if someone sees my cuts They say these expect words. " honey please don't cut yourself your more then that" doesn't that what people say all the time to try and make you stop and feel better? Well it dosent make you feel any better about yourself or why you do it does it? It depends on what u use, i use a blade from a sharpener and isn't the whole point of cutting for the pain?? anyways it depends on what you use so yeah.

What are synonyms for cutting?

pierce, trim, slice, chipThere is more on Thesaurus.comSlice, bleed, or delete.

Can you get hiv from cutting yourself in a lake?

My friend got aids from cutting himself with a rusty knife.I don't know if you can get aids from cutting yourself in a lake...maybe...the water is dirty...thenstuff gets into your body...just as stuff happened to my friend...but i don't know...lookit it more..

Does tramadol make you bleed more when getting a tattoo?

It does not thin your blood so no

Do Two-toed sloths as pets bite or claw their owners Can they make a person bleed by accident if they grip too hard?

Conern yourself with the teeth more so then the nails... this should not be kept as a pet. They are not domesticated.