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Q: How do you demonstrate ways to ensure that own health and hygiene do not pose a risk to others at work?
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What is the difference between occupational health and safety and occupational hygiene?

Occupational Hygiene (Industrial Hygiene) is one of several disciplines that fall under the wider category of occupational health and safety. Others include:safety engineeringoccupational medicineoccupational nursinghealth physicsergonomics

What ways can your own health or hygiene pose a risk to others?

Since some viruses are passed from one person to another, your own health and hygiene could be a risk to other people. If you sneeze on your hand and then shake hands with a friend that person might get sick.

How do you prevent community health problems?

There are various ways of preventing community health problems. Some of the basic ways include hygiene and proper sanitation as well as getting immunization vaccines frequently among others.

What is human health and hygiene?

health and hygiene are very important things in our lives health for one is how your body is like is it in good condition or bad good is better of course hygiene is how u take care of your body like brushing your teeth and taking showers.

What can you demonstrate to a class?

You can demonstrate how to be a friend to others by taking two students from the class and discuss with the class how to act properly.

How can I use policies and procedures or other agreed ways of working that relate to health and safety?

You can use policies and procedures by following them consistently to ensure a safe work environment. This includes identifying hazards, reporting incidents, and adhering to safety protocols. By doing so, you help promote a culture of safety and demonstrate commitment to the well-being of yourself and others in the workplace.

What six characteristics do making responsible decisions demonstrate?

promote health, keep safety in mind, follow laws, shows respects for self and others, follows guidelines of parents and adults, demonstrates good character

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What UK law provides the basis of health and safety at work?

The Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974 is the primary UK law governing health and safety in the workplace. It places a duty on employers to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of their employees, as well as others who may be affected by their work activities.

What have you done to demonstrate that service to others is an important part of your life?

I answer questions on Wiki

Why must you cleanse hands?

so you dont get sick or get others sick. basic hygiene..

What do scientists do to ensure that the work of others is accurate?

Scientists ensure the accuracy of others' work by peer reviewing publications, replicating experiments, and sharing data for verification. They also attend conferences and collaborate with others in the field to discuss and validate findings. Additionally, scientists maintain transparency in their methodologies and results to allow for scrutiny and validation by others.