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Community health workers play an important role in helping those in areas who are in need due to financial reasons or in remote areas. They often work in community clinics providing free or reduced fee services. They also help people to find social resources in order to have access to healthcare and provide education about their clients conditions to create a healthier community.

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Q: Functions of community health workers
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Virginia Ofosu-Amaah has written: 'National experience in the use of community health workers' -- subject(s): Community health aides, Rural health services

What Legislation and regulatory requirements that impact on service delivery in health?

Legislative frameworksLegislative frameworks relevant to community workers include those that:regulate the registration or accreditation of community workers regulate the conduct and behaviour of community workers deal with civil or criminal liability of community workers regulate dealings between community workers and clients.Some generally relevant legislation sets broad standards for professionals. These statutes tend to apply to all professionals broadly and do not attempt to limit the definition of professionals in anyway. These statutes do however provide some exemptions and exclusions for community workers.Examples include the Associations Incorporation Act (which sets out a range of important considerations for organisations and their members, as opposed to their employees or staff), the Community Services Act and the Civil Liability Act which apply to a range of community workers including social workers, community welfare workers and others.In a number of areas of community work specific legislation needs to be considered. The areas include:community health child care and protection disability services family relationships.

What has the author Josephine Banda written?

Josephine Banda has written: 'A descriptive study on factors contributing to high drop out rate of community health workers in Lufwanyama District' -- subject(s): Community health services, Allied health personnel

What Legislation and regulatory requirements that impact on service delivery in health care?

Legislative frameworksLegislative frameworks relevant to community workers include those that:regulate the registration or accreditation of community workers regulate the conduct and behaviour of community workers deal with civil or criminal liability of community workers regulate dealings between community workers and clients.Some generally relevant legislation sets broad standards for professionals. These statutes tend to apply to all professionals broadly and do not attempt to limit the definition of professionals in anyway. These statutes do however provide some exemptions and exclusions for community workers.Examples include the Associations Incorporation Act (which sets out a range of important considerations for organisations and their members, as opposed to their employees or staff), the Community Services Act and the Civil Liability Act which apply to a range of community workers including social workers, community welfare workers and others.In a number of areas of community work specific legislation needs to be considered. The areas include:community health child care and protection disability services family relationships.

Do social workers work in a hospital and how?

Yes. Social workers can work in the mental health ward coordinate discharge planning with mental health agencies in the community. They can also work on the medical units helping patients set up home health care or in transferring to a nursing home.

What has the author Julie Solis written?

Julie Solis has written: 'Natural networks for life service plans through community organization' -- subject(s): Services for, Community health services for older people, Frail elderly, Volunteer workers in community health services, Care, Caregivers

What are the three core functions of the public health nurse?

The three core functions of public health, as defined by the National Institutes of Health in 1998, are assessment, assurance, and policy development. These include: Assessment Monitoring health status in order to identify health issues within the community Investigation/diagnosis of health issues and hazards within the community Evaluation of the effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of the health services within the community Assurance Assures that the community can count on a competent public and personal care workforce Links people to personal health services and provides these services and health care when it is otherwise not available (e.g., public health clinics) Informs and educates people about health issues and empowers them to take control of their own health Mobilizes community partnerships in order to identify and solve health provlems Policy Development Develop policies and plans that support health efforts on both individual and community levels Enforce laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety Research new insights and innovate solutions to health problems