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Yes, they are doctor in the sense that they finished their doctorate degree and educational perse they are equip and knowledgeable. But its a difference level with the doctor of medicine. remember that this first professional in pharmacy is recognize by other field of medicine as doctors.

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Q: Doctor of pharmacy is a doctor?
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Can one work as a pharmacist with an Associate of Arts in Health Care Administration-Pharmacy Practice?

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A Doctor of Pharmacy degree is a professional degree while a Doctor of Philosophy degree is an academic research degree.

Doctor of pharmcy can become doctor?

Yes, PharmD stands for Doctor of Pharmacy, but for a Doctor of Pharmacy to become a medical physician, he or she must complete medical school after finishing their PharmD degree.

Can we write DR after doing doctor of pharmacy?

yes...for sure..the degree is "Doctor of Pharmacy" . Dr is just a title, honour for degree, they are pharmacy officers(Pharmacists) entitled "Dr" like MBBS degree holders are medical officers entitled as "Dr"

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How do you cancel a prescription?

you call your doctor or the pharmacy.

Where can you purchase Dilaudid?

At a pharmacy with your doctor's prescription.

Im allergic to bananas and the doctor says i need potassium. where will i get it from?

You can ask your doctor or go to a pharmacy and ask if they have any (I might have said pharmacy wrong)

What kind of degree do pharmacist receive?

Within the US today, prospective pharmacists must earn a Doctor of Pharmacy degree (Pharm.D).Within the US today, prospective pharmacists must earn a Doctor of Pharmacy degree (Pharm.D).Within the US today, prospective pharmacists must earn a Doctor of Pharmacy degree (Pharm.D).Within the US today, prospective pharmacists must earn a Doctor of Pharmacy degree (Pharm.D).Within the US today, prospective pharmacists must earn a Doctor of Pharmacy degree (Pharm.D).Within the US today, prospective pharmacists must earn a Doctor of Pharmacy degree (Pharm.D).

What is a sentence using pharmacy?

After seeing the doctor, we picked up the prescription at the pharmacy.

Is the pharmacist a doctor?

No they have degrees in pharmacy and are licensed as pharmacists.

How do you know if your doctor's office called in your prescription?

You can either call your doctor's office to verify this, or call the pharmacy you use. Otherwise, the pharmacy might notify you when they fill the prescription.