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If the surgeon has had to cut the uterine tube into which the embryo implanted, it is possible that this will prevent that tube from carrying other eggs. However, the opposite tube should normally be completely fine. The ovaries which produce the eggs are in the majority of cases unaffected. Many women experience reduced fertility after a tubal ectopic pregnancy but very few are infertile. Consult your doctor to discuss alternative possibilities if you're having trouble conceiving, such as IVF. It should be noted that having 1 uterine tube out of action is not 100% contraception.

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Q: Do a woman ovulate after a tubal?
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Can a woman ovulate if she is pregnant?

No; a woman will not ovulate if she is pregnant.

Can you have your eggs frozen after tubal ligation to have a baby later?

no,you still have to go thru tubal reversal proceedure so that everytime you ovulate and release an egg.

Do you still ovulate after a tubal ligation?

Tubal ligation is a form of birth control and there is only a slight risk of pregnancy after the procedure has been done. The objective of a tubal ligation is to block the fallopian tunes to prevent eggs from traveling from the ovaries down the fallopian tubes, becoming fertilized and implanting in the uterus Yes. You still ovulate after a tubal ligation and have normal monthly periods with all the associated discomfort. A woman who has their tubes tied still ovualtes, but the egg can't be fertilized because the egg and sperm can't meet.

Can you ovulate after tubal ligation?

i have my tubes clapped 7 years ago an during my cycle i get this pain my right ovary an it litterly feels like labor pains at times i cant move because it hurts so bad

Can a woman ovulate for 35 days?

No, not normally.

What age can a woman have tubal ligation in Denver Colorado?


What occurs during a tubal reversal?

A tubal reversal is a surgical procedure where the initial tubal sterilization (aka tubes tied) is reversed and an attempt is made to make the woman fertile again.

Is there a way to get pregnant after having a tubal without having a tubal reversal?

Yes, it's called in vitro. Although sometimes the tubal ligation doesn't work perfectly and a woman can become pregnant.

Is there Woman who have gotten pregnant after a tubal ligation?

my sister got pregnant after a tubal it was almost 7 years to the day she had three boys crazy thing is she had a girl with this tubal failure so she was blessed

What can a married woman do if she wants to get pregnant very fast?

There is no magical fast way to do this just focus on when about 5 days before you ovulate and when you ovulate.

Is it normal for a woman to ovulate and not get pregnant?

Yes, during the majority of a woman's menstrual cycles, she will ovaulate but not get pregnant.

Can a woman ovulate twice before her next period?

Yes, a woman can ovulate twice during her menstrual cycle but it would still be during the ovulation phase of her menstrual cycle. A woman cannot just randomly ovulate, her menstrual cycle controls when she ovulates - typically women will ovulate two weeks before menstruation.To correct a previous answer: Orgasm does not cause ovulation, that's not biologically possible.