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Q: Could you use crutches for fluid on the knee?
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How long do you have to be in crutches if you break your knee cap?

Depends on the severity of the break. If it's not too bad, you will most likely be in crutches for 4 to 6 weeks. However, if the break is severe, you may be required to use crutches as long as you have a brace on.

Could a knee injury put you in a wheelchair?

If it is severe enough, yes. Most knee injuries just require crutches. It is rare to have to use a wheelchair after having a knee injury. However, each injury is specific to each person, and everyone is different. So, it's possible, but not likely.

Why didn't Stephen Hawking get crutches?

Professor Hawking did use crutches for a while until his condition progressed to such a stage that he could no longer use them.

Do you need crutches for a torn meniscus?

yes it is actually very necessary to get crutches because you might hurt your knee even worse by putting weight on it. I would definitely definitely definitely get crutches to prevent further injury :)

How can you personalize your crutches and cast?

You could use marker pens to draw on your cast or get people to sign it, but check if it's ok with your doctor first. you could put stickers on your crutches.

Is use of crutches OSHA recordable?

No, not in and of itself. While the use of crutches could certainly be paired with prescription pain medicine or perhaps a positive x-ray and reflect an injury above and beyond a first-aid case, however, the use of crutches alone does not constitute a recordable injury.

Why do people want to be on crutches?

Maybe some people just like to use them or they could have a reason to why they want to use it.

How many people use crutches?

millions of people use crutches millions and millions by chris Adams

Can a baby use crutches?


Can you use the crutches on club penguin?


Is it bad to have fluid in your knee?

If you have fluid in the knee then you should put a pack of frozen peas on it and then put a hot water bottle on it this is only when you have been to the hospital before you do this or this could make a serious problem.

Irritated a nerve around breast using crutches?

The proper way to use crutches is to place your weight on your hands, not under your arms. Crutches should be adjusted so that when you are using them, there is space between your armpit and the top of the crutches. If you are already using the crutches correctly yet you still have an irritated nerve you can try different crutches that wrap around your forearms, or use a walker or wheelchair.