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Yes pregnancy is a possibility.

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Q: Could I be pregnant when I have had no withdrawal bleed after two weeks and I am feeling sick a lot?
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Why have you had no withdrawal bleed could you be pregnant?


Could you be pregnant if you haven't had withdrawal bleed?


Can you miss out your withdrawal bleed?

You can get pregnant whether you have withdrawal bleeding or not.

Could you bleed abit while pregnant?

Only a little bit

Could you still be pregnant if you still bleed when your period is due?

this means you are no longer pregnant. you were either not pregnant, or you have lost the baby.

If you stop taking your birth control pill then start bleeding can you still get pregnant?

The bleeding is the withdrawal bleed and is normal. This occurs when you stop taking birth control for over a few days. You can become pregnant.

I stopped taking birth control after i got my period i never restarted it again but then a few days after i was do i know when im suppose to get my periodwas that like a period confused?

What you experienced is the withdrawal bleed which is caused by the hormones decreasing from your system. After the withdrawal bleed occurs, this means your body is begining to ovulate again and you're at risk of pregnancy. There is no accurate way of saying when your period will arrive. It can be anytime after the withdrawal bleed upto 4 weeks.

What is the bleed that happens after getting off the pill?

When you stop taking birth control you can now become pregnant. If you had an irregular period before birth control pills, your period will go back to irregular periods. Heavier and longer periods may occur as well. You may also experience withdrawal bleeding which your body's way of ridding the birth control hormones.

Do your gums bleed when you are pregnant?

Your gum should not bleed when your pregnant. That could be a sign of malnutrition due to diet. Your baby will take from your body what it is not receiving through your diet. It' be best to consult a physician immediately.

Could i be pregnant if i missed a few pills and have had breakthrough bleeding.. would i have breakthrough bleeding if i was pregnant i heard you dont bleed if pregnant while on the pill?

Yes, some women do bleed some even when they are pregnant. See a doctor and get a reliable pregnancy test because if you are pregnant, continuing to take birth control pills could cause complications.

Could a bunny bleed while pregnant?

yes but only a bit if there is lots then there could be a problem or it might be a miscarriage

Could you be pregnant if you missed your last Depo shot and bleed a lot while having your period and your breasts are growing?

The short answer is yes. If you have had unprotected sex you could be pregnant.