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I cut my arm open a while back and had 32 stitches i wouldn't suggest removing them yourself but i suppose u could if you really wanted.

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Q: Can you remove stitches yourself
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How do you remove stitches?

Take tweezers and pull the stitch up as far as possible and then cut as close to the skin as possible

When is the best time to remove stitches from a cut below the eyebrow?

Laser to remove stitches from eye surgery

How do you use a sentence for stitches?

The doctor will remove my stitches in three more days. That comedian's stories kept us in stitches! The seamstress stitches patches today!

Is it okay not to remove stitches?

nonabsorbable sutures have to be removed

Can you remove stitches at home from your cat after she has been spayed?

It is not recommended to remove stitches at home from your cat after she has been spayed. It's best to have a veterinarian examine the incision site and remove the stitches to prevent any complications or infections.

What is the proper way to remove stitches after your cat is spayed?

Answer:My male cat had to be opened in 2 places to neuter him, then had to return 6 months later and was opened again. The vet said the cat would try to remove the stitches himself while grooming and unless one got infected, I would not need to come back in. If, by some chance, any stitches remained when the wound was well approximated that the cat didn't remove, I could remove them with small embroidery scissors. Maybe because I was a nurse and had experience removing sutures he felt comfortable with me removing any that remained. You can always call your vet to find out what to do for your little one. ~ BubbejoAnswerThey need to be taken back to the vet to have the stitches removed! AnswerI just had 2 of my cats spayed & the vet used disolving stitches so check with your vet to see if these were used they usually do.Thenno need to worry they will disolvein 12 -18 days.

How do you treat infected stitches?

See your local doctor for advice and information on how to treat them yourself.

What is the word that is used when you remove yourself from an issue?

To remove yourself from an issue is to recuse yourself.

What happens if stitches don't dissolve?

Sometimes the dissolvable stitches takes longer to dissolve. If it is external and accessible, just cut it and remove it. Deep sutures can be left and will eventually dissolve. If it causes recurrent problems with infection, the wound can be explored and stitches removed.

How many days after sewing up your knee should doctor remove stitches?

10 days.

What is an effective mole remover?

An effective mole remover is by having a doctor remove it. The doctor will most likely remove it by excision with cauterization or in some cases, stitches.

What is the medica term for stitches?
