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Q: Can you be pregnant if you have blue visible veins on your breasts and your breasts feel heavier?
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You have had swollen and tender breasts for three months with very visible blue and red veins and have had discomfort in your abdomen pregnancy tests all negative period stopped what could it be?

You've had swollen and tender breasts for three months with very visible blue and red veins? Why have you not seen a doctor about it?

What could cause green veins around your breasts?

It is just that mammary ducts are visible and may have been due to excessive breastfeeding.

Does the veins in your breasts become more noticeable when you are pregnant?

Yes. Mine started to become noticeable at about my third month, but everybody is different.

If you can see blue veins clearly in both your breasts and even underneath them is that a sign of pregnancy?

Veiny breasts is a sign of pregnancy yes. But some womens breast skin is finer than others and veins are more noticeable. If this is new for you and you have missed a period, yes you could be pregnant.

What are the sysmptoms of being pregnant when your two months into the pregnancy?

Some symptoms are: -swelling of hands and feet -varicose veins -constipations -heart burn -indigestion -bloating -flatulence -heavier breasts -goose bumps on the areola -slight whitish vaginal discharge -waistline expansion -chance in size of the uterus

Your not pregnant you are a Virgin and you have blue spider veins around your B cup breasts you are not overweight but often the Blue Veins on top of your hand and feet popout enlarged whats wrong?

Veins will appear blue. Don't confuse this with spider veins. They will often pop out on the hands and feet if you have been doing heavy lifting (hands and feet) or running or jumping a lot (feet). There is likely nothing wrong. If you don't like the blue veins around your breasts then get a tan.

Do the veins in your breasts start to show more before your period?

It is highly possible that your veins will show. Before your period, hormones cause your breasts to swell which can lead to more pronounced veins.

Are dark blue veins on your breasts a sign of pregnancy?

If you know you are pregnant and have dark blue veins that is quite normal. If that is the only sign you have, you may not be pregnant as it is just a sign of increased blood flow, this could be for many reasons. I don't know how old this is but that isn't true. Having blue veins was my first sign of being pregnant with my first two kids. That was my positive test for me. So take a test and see what you get. Good luck and KUP.

If you have yellow skin tone but have Blue spider veins visible on your upper breasts at the pale whitish portion also blue veins at my temples and wrists is it a sign of weak genes or sickness?

Visible blue veins can be a normal trait in some individuals, especially those with fair or light skin tones. This is because the veins sit close to the surface of the skin. However, if you are concerned about your health or these characteristics have recently changed, it's best to consult a healthcare professional for a proper assessment.

Your breasts have little pink veins where your nipple leads what does this mean?

it's normal

Do women boobs get big when there horny?

That depends on the questions. Do breasts get bigger during intercourse? Yes, they do, as veins will become more visible and the breasts will be come more tender. But as to whether they will they grow because of having intercourse, they would probably be no.

Why are arteries and veins not visible inside the brain?

The skull is in the way