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Probably not. Insurance paperwork tends to require a doctor's signature.

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Related questions

Where could one find RN practice test papers?

Some old test papers are available on line. You could also buy actual past papers from the likes of Amazon & ebay. Your RN text books should also have some sample papers included.

How can you sign papers at age 16?

No, you can sign papers at the age of 18

I need to take rn classes online from home where can I sign up?

You can sign up for rn classes at this website:

Cheech and Chong sign ze papers?

"Why will you not sign ze papers!?" "Because, ... you have broken both of my hands."

Can you get a divorce in Mississippi if your spouse refuses to sign divorce papers?

get a lawer and sue her ! they can make her sign the papers !

What are the release dates for Sign Them Papers - 1927?

Sign Them Papers - 1927 was released on: USA: 8 January 1927

If your 18 and still in high school can you sign your own papers-?

Yes. You can sign your own papers because you are an adult.

Is it true that if you are good at math but bad at writing papers or essays you have a learning disability?


What if you sign papers but did not give them a blank check for a new car are you still responsible for the car?

Once you sign the papers you are responsible

Is it illegal for someone else to sign for a home for you?

They can certainy sign the papers that assign a home to you, but they cannot sign papers that cause you to take on the financial obligation of a mortgage.

How do you sign rights away?

You can physically sign papers giving up your paternal rights, or if you are served papers to do so, you can not sign and return them. In this case, the court finds for the petitioner.

If your 18 and still in high school can you sign your own papers?

If one is 18 and still in high school, he or she cant't sign their papers.