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Q: Can an LVN call in a Rx refill?
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How do you use a presceiprion rx number to get a refill?

If you call your local retail pharmacy, you can use your Rx number to place a refill. You may receive a refill only if the original prescription states that there are refills; if not, the pharmacy will call the prescribing doctor for authorization on another refill.

How long after you have had a rx filled are you LEGALLY allowed to take the drug?

Not sure I understand your question completely. Most Rx's are good for one year after receiving them. The bottle will say "refill before. . . " Your Rx will cover you during this time. If having a drug test, take proof of your Rx.

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Where might I find an LVN program in my area?

This website can help you locate an LVN program in your area:

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How often can you refill a controlled substance?

You can refill on the refill date on the bottle. Most will refill the day before but if you try to refill a bottle of percs when you refilled 2 days ago, you can expect the pharmacy to call the police and you better have a good answer to where those pills are.

In nursing what is the abbreviation for X?

Most frequenctly it's "times" in the multiplicative sense, as in: "Refill x2". Rx is of course the abbreviation for prescription. Dx is the abbreviation for Diagnosis.

Does Dunham refill paintball co2 tanks?

Call them and ask!

Where can I get LVN training?

A good source of information on LVN training is or These two sites provide answers to all types of questions that involve LVN training.

Can a doctor's secretary give you your prescriptions?

Your RX must be signed by the Dr. If the Secretary has a signed RX, she can either fax or call it into the pharmacy, but it must be ordered by your Dr.

How much does a rn and a lvn get paid?

How much do LVN's expect tp get paid? In TX, in MO, in CO...

If you lose your percocets in PA can a doctor call to refill?

If you "lose" a prescription of any narcotic pain medication, the doctor will not call for a refill. Your doctor's office would even provide you with the same information, that they, nor the doctor, is authorized to refill a narcotic prescription in the event that the prescription was lost or stolen, even if you have a police report, they will NOT refill that prescription until it is due again to be refilled.