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According to a 2009 Salary Survey on the respiratory care industry, staff respiratory therapists make an average of $40,000 to $49,000 per year.

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Q: Average salary of a respiratory therapist?
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What is the anual salary of a respitory thearapist?

$54000 is the average salary of a respiratory therapist.

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The average salary for a respiratory therapist is $40.00 per hour or $82,000 per year full time. This is dependant upon how many hours a respiratory therapist works.

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$54000 is the average salary of a respiratory therapist.

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Certified Respiratory Therapists make 25,00-30,000 while Registered Respiratory Therapists average is higher. Managerial can make upwards of 90,000 a year. It all depends on how much 'continuing education' you do and how hard you want to work. Respiratory Therapists normally work a 12 hour shift and plenty of overtime available.

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$3000.00 to 4000.00 USD with 48 hour work week

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According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics the estimated mean annual wage for a respiratory therapist as of May 2008 was, $53,150. This would amount to $25.55an hour.