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Technically, someone has to be dead to be declared a saint.

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Q: At what age did Saint Nina become a saint?
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How old do you have to be to become a saint?

There is no age limit to being named a saint.

At what age did Saint Peter become a saint?

Saint Peter died and entered Heaven as a saint when he was about 65 years old.

What age was Saint Lucy when she became a saint?

Lucy was martyred at the age of 21 and became a saint at that time.

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No, Saint Dominic Savio did not become a priest. He was a student of Saint John Bosco and aspired to become a priest, but he died at a young age before he could be ordained. He is known for his piety and devotion to God.

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Anne did not become a saint until she died at a VERY old age.

What age was Saint Brigid when she died?

Saint Brigid or Bride died when she was 70 and got to meet Saint Patrick and Saint Brendan.

What age did Saint Rafqa die?

Saint Rafqa, also known as Saint Rebecca, died on March 23, 1914, at the age of 82.

What age was Saint Brigid when she was a saint?

Brigid had stopped aging when she became a saint as she had died. Being dead is the first requirement for being declared a saint.

Why did Saint Dominic Savio become a saint?

Saint Dominic Savio was known for his exceptional piety and dedication to living a holy life from a young age. He demonstrated a deep love for God and tirelessly strived to live a life of virtue. His strong faith, purity of heart, and devotion to the Christian faith inspired others, leading to his canonization as a saint.

What is Saint Cameron patron saint of?

Cameron, who died as a martyr at three years of age in Sardinia, is not a patron saint.

Who was the saint whose father beheaded her at age 15 because she wouldn't marry him?

Saint Dymphna would be the saint's name you are looking for.

What age was Saint Naomi when she died?

I can find no reference to any saint by the name of Naomi.