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The main use of editorials in newspapers is to allow the editors (people who proofread and choose which articles get in the paper) to express their opinions about something. Usually, they talk about something going on in the local, regional, state or international news. Sometimes, they respond to criticisms sent in by readers.

More and more often, it seems like writers and editors of newspapers, magazines, TV news shows etc. are interjecting their opinions and bias into all of the stories they tell, not just the editorials. It's getting harder all the time to tell what is actual fact and what is opinion or spin.

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15y ago
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5mo ago

The editorial page is important because it provides a platform for expressing opinions and commentary on current events, political issues, and societal trends. It offers readers diverse perspectives and helps stimulate critical thinking and debate on important topics. Additionally, the editorial page serves as a reflection of the publication's stance and values.

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13y ago

Journalists care about the news; they not only wish to report it, but they also wish to offer their opinion about it. Since there is an important distinction between news and opinion, editorials are used to report opinions so that they do not get mistaken for news.

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11y ago

It gives a fair chance and liberty to the editor to make his opinion on behalf of his organisation as whole, this liberty ensures unbiasness in newstories.

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14y ago

An Editorial give the reader some impression of the political affiliation of the writer

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8y ago

It gives the opinions of the editor of the paper.

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A newspaper page is typically referred to simply as a "page" or a "newspaper page."

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