Sunrise = Alba, Sunset = tramonto
The address of the Sunset Strip Branch is: 6600 Sunset Strip, Sunrise, 33313 2852
There is no nation where the sunrise and sunset occur at the same time. Sunrise and sunset happen at different times due to the Earth's rotation on its axis.
The time of sunrise and sunset is VERY dependent on the position. And Florida is a big state. You can use the Sunrise Sunset calculator at the link below to calculate for yourself the time of sunrise and sunset for your location.
Sunrise, Sunset
I do not have real-time capabilities to provide sunrise and sunset times for specific dates. You can easily find this information by using online tools like or specific weather apps that provide daily sunrise and sunset times.
No, it is not possible to see the sunrise and sunset at the same place in a single day. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west due to the Earth's rotation. However, during certain times of the year in polar regions, there may be phenomena like the midnight sun where the sun is visible at midnight, but this is not simultaneous with sunset.
Please resubmit your question giving the details of what you need to know about sunrise and sunset so that someone can give you an answer.
You can find sunrise and sunset times for your area in weather apps, websites like, or by using smartphone features like the Weather app or Google Assistant. You can also check with your local observatory or meteorological department for accurate sunrise and sunset times.
The times of sunrise and sunset are very dependent on the precise location that you are interested in. The link below has a sunrise/sunset calculator.
Sunrise and sunset times in Nerul, Navi Mumbai vary depending on the date. You can check the specific sunrise and sunset times for Nerul, Navi Mumbai on websites like by entering the date you are interested in.