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North of the Arctic Circle to the north, or south of the Antarctic Circle in Antarctica. On the Summer Solstice (June 21 in the northern hemisphere, or December 21 in the south) the Sun does not set. The closer to the pole you are, the longer the period of "midnight sun" you will experience around the Solstice.

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5mo ago

During the summer months, the sun never sets in regions situated within the Arctic Circle, which includes countries like Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, and parts of Alaska in the United States. This phenomenon is known as the Midnight Sun.

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13y ago

Due to the inclination of the earth's axis of rotation, regions nearest to one pole experience continuous day for some months, for example, the trading city of Tromso (about 50000 inhabitants) in northern Norway where the sun is visible continuously from late May to late July, while regions nearest to the other pole experience continuous night during that same period.

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14y ago

antarctica or the north pole

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12y ago

Antarctica and the Arctic.

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Q: Where on Earth does the sun never set in the summer?
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Where on earth does the sun never set during the summer and never rise during the winter?

In the polar regions the sun never sets or rises ever.

Does the sun never set during the arctic summer?


Is there a place on earth where the sun wont set?

When it's summer in the poles it doesn't set until the end of the summer, but otherwise no.

Where on earth does the sun never set and when?

The North and South Poles during Summer. It doesn't even get darker! At the poles there are only two seasons -Light -Dark

How does heat increases in summer?

Heat increases in summer because the area of the earth which is experiencing summer is set at a more direct angle to the sun.

Where does the sun set in world?

The sun never sets. The earth rotates, creating the illusion of the sun setting.

How is the weather like in each season in antarctica?

In summer the sun never sets and in winter the sun never rise. the days are very long as the sun will never set completely nor rise completely. Hope this is a satisfactory answer.

Why do the poles get 24 hour day and night?

The poles experience 24 hours of daylight in summer and 24 hours of darkness in winter due to the tilt of the Earth's axis. During summer, the pole is tilted towards the Sun, causing the Sun to never fully set, while in winter, the pole is tilted away from the Sun, resulting in continuous darkness.

What season are you having in Australia when the sun does not set on the North Pole?

Winter. The Earth has an axis, tilted at about 23.5° from the perpendicular to Earth's orbit. When the Earth's north pole is tilted towards the Sun, the northern hemisphere is in summer while the southern hemisphere is in winter. That's the main time when the Sun doesn't set at the north pole. When the Earth's north pole is tilted away from the Sun the southern hemisphere is in summer while the northern hemisphere is in winter.

Summer occurs on the hemisphere of earth that is?

Summer occurs on the hemisphere of earth that is tilted towards the sun.

Why the North is sometimes called the Land of the Midnight Sun?

They Call it the land of the midnight sun because in sometimes in the summer, the sun does not set until midnight. They call it the land of vikings because vikings founded Sweden many years ago.

The sun appears to rise latest and set earliest during summer why?

During summer, the Northern Hemisphere is tilted towards the sun, causing the sun to rise later and set earlier as it follows a shorter and lower path across the sky. This results in longer days and shorter nights during summer in the Northern Hemisphere.