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She is 5 3/8" from the left and 3/4" from the top.

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shes in the crowd

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Q: Where is flo in the progressive ad in time magazine?
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Where is Flo in the Progressive ad in National Geographic Magazine?

At top of left-hand page with penguin grouping

Where is flo in the progressive ad in popular science magazine?

Four inches from the top and six inches from the left side.

What is the name of the lady in the progressive ad?


Who is Flo on the TV ad?

Flo is a fictional character played by actress Stephanie Courtney in commercials for Progressive Insurance. She is portrayed as an enthusiastic and quirky salesperson, known for her distinctive retro hairstyle and white apron.

Who is the Sales lady in progressive ad flo?

Stephanie Courtney here is a pretty good article on her...,,20301774,00.html

Is Flo from progressive pregnant?

I just saw the progressive ad with santa and his dog. she definitely looks preggers at the end. i started searching around and could not find anything reliable. I'm thinking she ate a preggo muffin or two... that's all I'm saying.

How do you place an ad in a bike magazine?

In order to place an ad in a bike magazine, you need to contact the advertising department of the magazine. You can then choose the size and page location of the ad.

How much does a full color full page ad in Time Magazine cost?


What is the cost for designing an ad for a magazine?

It Depends on the magazine

How much would an ad in complex magazine cost?

The cost of an ad in Complex magazine can vary depending on the size, placement, and frequency of the ad. It is best to contact the magazine directly for specific pricing information.

Do prices for an ad depend on the magazine?

Yes. Here are some factors that might influence the price: -How popular it is -How big you want your ad to be -What your ad is about -The price of the magazine (usually if the magazine is a higher price, the ad cost will be high as well) Hope this helped!

Who sings the song in the who magazine TV ad?

the who - who are you