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Regardless of whether you are in the northern or southern hemisphere, the sun always rises south of east (and sets south of west) from September-March and the sun rises north of east (and sets north of west) from March-September. So in January, wherever you are, the sun will rise in the south-east.

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3mo ago

In January, in the northern hemisphere, including Florida, the sun rises in the southeast and sets in the southwest. Due to Florida's location, the angle at which the sun rises and sets might vary slightly, but generally, it will rise more towards the east.

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Q: Where does the sun rise in the northern hemisphere in January in Florida?
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In the northern hemisphere...the sun rises...?

yeah the sun does rise in the northern hemisphere

Where does the sun rise the northern hemisphere?


What is the southern hemisphere?

The southern hemisphere is the half of Earth that is south of the equator. It includes continents like Australia, Antarctica, most of South America, and parts of Africa. Seasons in the southern hemisphere are opposite to those in the northern hemisphere.

Where does the sun rise in the northern hemisphere?

In the northern hemisphere, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Its exact position on the horizon where it rises changes slightly throughout the year due to the tilt of the Earth's axis.

What season will the sun rises due east today but will rise slighty north of due east tomorrow?

That happens when at the March equinox - usually the 20th or 21st of March. This is the beginning of spring in the northern hemisphere, or the beginning of autumn (fall) in the southern hemisphere.

Does the sun rise in the southern hemisphere first?

No. The Sun is always above the horizon somewhere in the Southern hemisphere just as it always is above the horizon somewhere in the Northern hemisphere. About half of each hemisphere is illuminated at every instant (well more of the Southern hemisphere is illuminated from the end of September to the end of March and more of the Northern hemisphere during the other half year).

What time does the sun rise in January?

well mostly i would say 6 Florida .

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It depends where you are. It is possible to sit on a beach facing east and watch the sun rise over the sea in the northern and southern hemispheres. Similarly if you sit on a beach on the west coast of anywhere the sun will rise over the land and set into the sea.

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Does the wind flow upward or downward in a cyclone?

The wind in a cyclone flows inward and upward in a counterclockwise direction in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere. This upward flow is due to the low pressure at the center of the cyclone, which causes air to rise and create a cyclonic circulation.

Why does the sun rise from north east in summers and south east in winter?

The sun doesn't rise directly from the north east in summers or south east in winter. However, in the northern hemisphere, during summer the sun rises more to the northeast and sets more to the northwest, while in winter it rises more to the southeast and sets more to the southwest due to the tilt of Earth's axis causing the sun's apparent position to change throughout the year.

Why at certain times of the year does the sun never rise at the south pole?

Because in the northern hemisphere spring and summer, when the Sun is north of the equator, the south pole is turned away from the Sun and it is dark.