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rising in east will point a shadow to west

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3mo ago

When the sun rises in the morning, shadows will point towards the west. This is because the sun rises in the east and casts shadows in the opposite direction.

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Q: When the sun rises in the morning what direction will a shadow point?
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In what direction will your shadow fall in the morning?

The sun rises in the east, so shadow will fall to the west

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What happens to the length of a shadow during the morning?

It will shorten as the sun rises to its apogee over the object casting the shadow.

From what compass direction does the sun appear each morning?

The sun rises in the East and sets in the West.

What direction does the sun rise each morning?

Each morning, the sun always rises in the east.

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It is the side where the sun rises in the morning

What is the positioning of a shadow in the morning?

In the morning, the position of a shadow is longer and angled towards the west because the sun rises in the east. The shadow will gradually shrink and shift as the sun moves higher in the sky throughout the day.

Which direction does the sun rise in the morning?

The Sun rises in the East everywhere on the earth. Sometimes a little north of east, sometimes a little south of east, but always east.

How can you see earth shadow on earth?

To see Earth's shadow on Earth, you would need to be at a high vantage point during a time when the sun is low on the horizon, such as at sunrise or sunset. As the sun sets or rises, Earth's shadow is cast onto the atmosphere opposite the direction of the sun, creating a dark band visible in the sky.

In the morning the sun rises, the shadow formed points to the west and in the evening when the sun sets, the shadow points to the east. Can you tell why?

the light moves from the west/east and is blocked by the object and hence the shadow forms from the east/wesr

What is the different positions of shadows in morning noon and afternoon?

Morning: The shadow will be the longest and facing the west as the sun rises in the east Noon: The shadow will be the shortest as the sun is directly above the object Afternoon: The shadow will be slightly longer and facing east as the sun is going to set in the west soon.

Each morning I appear To lie at your feet All day I will follow No matter how fast you run Yet I nearly perish In the midday sun?

A morning shadow is cast at your feet, but as the day progresses and the sun rises higher in the sky, the shadow shortens and almost disappears in the midday sun.