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The movable printing press was created by Johannes Gutenberg around the year 1440. This invention revolutionized the spread of information by making it faster and more efficient to print books and other materials.

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Q: What year was the movable printing press created?
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In what year did Johann Gutenberg invent the printing press?

Gutenberg invented the movable- type printing press in 1440.

When was the movable type printing created?

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In what year was the bible first printed on a printing press with movable type?

The Bible was first printed on a printing press with movable type in 1454-1455, by Johannes Gutenberg in Mainz, Germany. This printing revolutionized the production and distribution of books, including religious texts such as the Bible.

When was guttenbergs invention of the printing press and movable metal type allowing the mass production of books?

Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press with movable metal type in the mid-15th century, around 1440-1450. This invention revolutionized the production of books by allowing for faster and more efficient printing, leading to the mass production and dissemination of knowledge.

What invention was Johannes Gutenberg famous for?

Johannes Gutenberg was known for inventing the printing press around the year of 1450. He was also known for the Gutenberg bible later created with his own printing press.

Did the printing press and the movable kind emerge during the middle ages?

The printing press was developed in the late middle ages by Johannes Gutenberg around the year 1440. This, together with another not entirely clear development (probably using a hand mould) by Gutenberg that made the mass production of movable type practical, introduced modern printing to Europe.

What year did Johannes Gutenburg invent the printing from movable type?

Johannes Gutenberg invented the printing press with movable type around 1440. His invention revolutionized the way information was disseminated and contributed to the spread of knowledge and ideas during the Renaissance and beyond.

Invented the printing press?

The printing press was invented by a man named Johannes Gutenberg. The printing press was invented in the year of 1440.

Was the printing press invented in the middle ages?

The printing press was developed by Johannes Gutenberg around the year 1440. Many consider the middle ages to have lasted until the year 1500, so yes, the printing press was invented during the late middle ages. If you were meaning to ask if printing was available during the middles, for the great majority of the medieval period it was not available, coming in only at the end and then initially in limited distribution.

What year was the printing press first used?

The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg around 1440.

What was the year when the printing press was invented?

The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in the year 1440.

What year was the first printing press eatablished and in what colony?

The Cambridge Press - 1639