at 7:00 pm
What time is sunset in Co. in march?
The time of sunset in Sacramento varies throughout the year. On average, the sunset time in Sacramento ranges from around 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM. It is best to check a reliable source or a weather app for the specific sunset time on a given day.
at 7:44 PM PDT
According to, Sunset will be at 6:25 on March 7, 2009.
On September 29, 2012, the sunset in Malibu, California was at approximately 6:38 PM.
sunset 7:20pm
As per, Sunset will be at 18:27Standard Time in Albuquerque NM on March 22nd 2008
On March 19 in Somerset, NJ, the sunrise is at 7:10 am and the sunset is at 7:09 pm.
Based on the sunset times of March 2008, sunset should happen in Phoenix on March 8, 2009 between 6:25 - 6:35 pm.