The time of sunrise and sunset is very dependent on the precise location and the date in question. Please re-post your question with the date and the city name or ZIP code. If you add the WikiAnswers category "Sunset Times", I'll see it.
You can calculate the time of sunrise and sunset easily by visiting the United States Naval Observatory web site's Sunrise & Sunset calculator. You will need the date, city and state for US locations, or the date, latitude, longitude and time zone for any other locations in the world.
The site is
You can also calculate the times of sunrise and sunset for one year at a given location at the site:
The time of sunrise and sunset is very dependent on the date and exact location. A difference of 15 miles can change the time of sunrise or sunset by a minute. Please re-post your question with a city name or zip code.
You can easily calculate the time of sunrise or sunset by visiting the web site of the U.S. Naval Observatory at
The time of sunrise and sunset is very dependent on the date and exact location. A difference of 15 miles can change the time of sunrise or sunset by a minute. Please re-post your question with a city name or zip code.
You can easily calculate the time of sunrise or sunset by visiting the web site of the U.S. Naval Observatory at
In Pennsylvania in November, the sun usually sets around 5:00-5:30 PM Eastern Standard Time. It may vary slightly depending on your specific location within the state.
Sunset was at 4:53 PM EST.
at 5:12 PM EST
On Thursday, November 19, 2009, the sunset time was 4:42 pm in Farrell, PA.
what time will sunset be on November 1 2009
The sunset time for Limerick, PA 19468 on October 9, 2009 was around 6:35 PM local time. It may vary slightly depending on the specific location within the area.
What is the sunset time on November 10, 2009 in California
Sunset was at 4:43 in New York on November 8, 2008.
Sunset in Phoenix on November 30, 2013 was at 5:17 pm local time.
6:20 PM
Sunset time on November 11, 2010 in Amelia Island was at approximately 5:36 PM.
at 6:00 PM EDT
at 8:06 PM EDT